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702. <br />3.2 PERCENT MALT LIQUOR <br />702.010. LICENSES REQUIRED. No person, except wholesalers <br />and manufacturers to the extent authorized by law, shall deal in or <br />dispose of by gift, sale or otherwise, or keep or offer for sale, <br />any nonintoxicating 3.2 percent malt liquor within the City without <br />first having received a license as hereinafter provided. <br />702.020. TYPES OF LICENSES. Licenses shall be of three <br />kinds: (1) "on- sale "; (2) temporary "on- sale "; (3) "off- sale ". <br />(1) "On- sale" licenses shall be granted only to restaurants, <br />hotels, drug stores and clubs. "On- sale" licenses shall permit the <br />sale of nonintoxicating 3.2 percent malt liquor for consumption on <br />the premises only. <br />(2) Temporary "on- sale" licenses shall be granted only to <br />organizations organized for social purposes, business purposes, for <br />intellectual improvement, or for the promotion of sports where the <br />serving of nonintoxicating 3.2 percent malt liquor is incidental to <br />and not the main purpose of the organization, or to charitable, <br />religious, or nonprofit organizations. <br />(3) "Off- sale" licenses shall permit the sale of <br />nonintoxicating 3.2 percent malt liquor at retail, in the original <br />package for consumption off the premises only. <br />702.030. WRITTEN APPLICATION. <br />(1) Form. Every application for a license to sell <br />nonintoxicating 3.2 percent malt liquor shall be made to the City <br />Administrator on a form supplied by the City and containing such <br />information as the City Administrator or the City Council shall <br />require. Each application, shall include, at a minimum, the name <br />and place of residence of the applicant, the exact location of the <br />place at which the applicant proposes to carry on the business of <br />selling nonintoxicating 3.2 percent malt liquor, and whether or not <br />he or she has at any time previous to the date thereof been engaged <br />in said business or in the business of selling food stuffs in the <br />City, and if so, when and where. It shall be unlawful to make any <br />false statement in an application. Every application for the <br />issuance or renewal of a license shall include a copy of each <br />summons received by the applicant under Minnesota Statutes Section <br />340A.802 during the preceding year. <br />(2) Proof of Financial Responsibility. Prior to the issuance <br />of a nonintoxi ating 3.2 percent malt liquor license, the applicant <br />shall demonstrate proof of financial responsibility as defined in <br />Minnesota Statutes Section 340A.409, Subdivision 1, with reference <br />to liability under Minnesota Statutes, Section 340A.801. The <br />applicant shall demonstrate that such proof has been filed with the <br />Commissioner of Public Safety where required under Minnesota <br />702 -1 <br />Page 57 <br />