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Statutes Section 340A.409. Proof of financial responsibility shall <br />be required prior to the issuance of any nonintoxicating 3_2 <br />percent malt liquor license regardless of the provisions of <br />Minnesota Statutes <br />Section 340A.409, Subdivision 4. Any liability insurance policy <br />filed as proof of financial responsibility under this subdivision <br />shall conform to the requirements of Minnesota Statutes Section <br />340A.409. The minimum requirement for proof of financial <br />responsibility may be given by filing: <br />(a) a certificate that there is in effect for the <br />license period an insurance policy or pool providing at least <br />$50,000 of coverage because of bodily injury to any one person in <br />any one occurrence, $100,000 because of bodily injury to two or <br />more persons in any one occurrence, $10,000 because of injury to or <br />destruction of property of others in any one occurrence, $50,000 <br />for loss of means of support of any one person in any one <br />occurrence, and $100,000 for loss of means of support of two or <br />more persons in any one occurrence; or <br />(b) a bond of a surety company with minimum coverages as <br />provided in paragraph (a); or <br />(c) a certificate of the state treasurer that the <br />licensee has deposited with the state treasurer $100,000 in cash or <br />securities which may legally be purchased by savings banks or for <br />trust funds having a market value of $100,000. <br />(3) Approval of Security. Liability insurance policies <br />required by this chapter shall be approved as to form by the City <br />Attorney. Operation of a business licensed by this ordinance <br />without having a file with the State Insurance Commissioner or the <br />City at all times effective security as required in Subdivision 2 <br />is a cause for immediate revocation or suspension of the license. <br />(4) Special Event on City Property. A liability insurance <br />policy for a special event to be held on City property shall name <br />the City as an additional insured. <br />(5) Temporary On -Sale License Application. Applications for <br />Temporary On -Sale licenses shall be made no less than thirty (30) <br />days prior to the commencement of the event on form prescribed by <br />the City Administrator. The license shall be a specific event, and <br />the application shall specify the date(s), time(s) and place of the <br />event. The minimum requirement for proof of financial <br />responsibility may be given by filling: <br />(a) a certificate that there is in effect for the <br />license period an insurance policy or pool providing at least <br />$50,000 of coverage because of bodily injury to any one person in <br />any one occurrence, $100,000 because of bodily injury to two or <br />702 -2 <br />Page 58 <br />