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LG201 <br />• (Rev. 724191) <br />Minnesota Lawful Gambling <br />Gaming Operations Internal Controls <br />Name of organization <br />North Suburban Youth Association <br />License number Date <br />A -01485 12/27/95 <br />Address City State Zip coda <br />1751 W. County Road B, Suite 107 Roseville, MN 55113 <br />Fill in the name and title of the person responsible for each action listed below. <br />Inventory Acquisition and Control <br />Responsibility of: Title: Action <br />1. Betty Matson G.M. Purchases gambling equipment and supplies from distributors licensed by <br />the Gambling Control Board. Verifies license number of distributors. <br />2. Betty Matson /Sales Clerks G.M. Receives equipment or supplies, initials and dates the invoice, and verities <br />the quantity received. <br />Betty Matson G.M. <br />3. Verifies that a Minnesota State registration stamp has been affixed to all <br />gambling equipment and supplies by the licensed distributor. <br />4 Sales Clerks <br />Compares all games received, by serial number and state registration stamp <br />number, to the distributor's invoice. Reconciles any differences before <br />Betty Matson G.M. placing the games into play. <br />8. Supervisor Completes inventory records for all items received. Records should verify <br />that all purchases were properly authorized, received, and put into play. <br />Sales Clerks <br />6. Secures all gambling equipment in a locked storage area. <br />7. Betty Matson G.M. Maintains control and custody of the keys to the storage area. <br />Betty Matson G.M. <br />8. Maintains a list of persons who have access to the storage area and <br />updates the list as necessary. <br />g Sales Clerks Counts and records items taken from inventory on the inventory record. <br />10 Be t ty Matson G.M. Takes a physical count of inventory at the end of each month. <br />11 Betty Matson G . M . Maintains a list of persons authorized to purchase gambling equipment and <br />supplies. <br />1. Betty Matson <br />G.M. <br />Gaming Operations Control <br />Maintains a list of persons authorized by the organization to conduct lawful <br />gambling sales at a licensed location. <br />2. Sales Clerks Counts and verities starting cash. <br />Sales Clerks <br />3. Posts the flare (pull - tabs), or the master flare (paddlewheels and tipboards) <br />with the correct serial number, and with the state registration stamp affixed. <br />4 Betty Matson <br />5 Sales Clerks <br />G.M. <br />Posts the house rules. <br />Puts entire deal into a receptacle other than the container in which the deal <br />was received. <br />6. Sales Clerks Begins play in accordance with gambling rules. <br />Sales Clerks <br />7. Closes the deal when sold out or major winners are awarded, whichever <br />house rules indicate. <br />8 Sales Clerks Defaces and retains all winning tickets. <br />9, Sales Clerks Records winners valued at $50 or greater. prize receipt form) <br />Page 26 <br />