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07-13-1977 Council Agenda
City Council Packets
07-13-1977 Council Agenda
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4/4/2013 10:50:39 AM
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4/4/2013 10:47:50 AM
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- 7 - <br />Section 6. Special meetings of the board may be called <br />(a) by the chairman, (b) by the executive committee or (c) by <br />the executive committee upon the written request of a majority <br />of the directors. Five days' written notice of special meetings <br />shall be given to the directors and alternates. Such notice <br />shall include the agenda for the special meetings. <br />VI. POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD <br />Section 1. .Develop and plan and recommend operating procedures <br />for an integrated and coordinated public safety emergency communica- <br />tions system serving the communities in suburban Ramsey County. <br />Section 2. The board shall have full control and management <br />of the affairs of SRCECB including the power to conduct such research <br />and investigation as it deems necessary on any matter relating to <br />or effecting the general purposes of the organization. <br />Section 3. It may delegate authority to .the executive <br />committee of the board, between board meetings. Such delegation <br />of authority shall be by resolution of the board and may be <br />conditioned in such a manner as the board may determine. <br />Section 4. The board shall have no annual budget and shall <br />not expend funds except as duly authorized by the governing body <br />of each member. No member shall, by virtue of this agreement, be <br />requested to commit, expend, or allocate any funds except as its <br />governing body shall authorize. <br />Section 5. The board shall have the power to seek financial <br />support from other governmental or granting agencies to accomplish <br />the general purposes of SRCECB. <br />0028 <br />
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