<br />any county in Region 3 which does not contain a munici-
<br />pality qualified as a tax relief area. The remaining proceeds
<br />from the tax of eight cents per taxable ton is to be paid
<br />to the property tax relief account in the state treasury.
<br />Prior to computation of the homestead credit, the property
<br />tax on re homestead is to be reduced by 60 percent up to
<br />a maximum of $350 if the property is located within a
<br />municipality which qualifies as a tax relief area. In the
<br />case of a homestead located within a school district which
<br />qualifies as a tax relief area but outside the boundaries of
<br />a qualifying municipality, its property tax is to be reduced
<br />by 52 percent up to a maximum of $300 before computa-
<br />tion of the homestead credit. If a homestead is located
<br />within a school district which does not qualify as a tax
<br />relief area but outside the boundaries of a qualifying
<br />municipality, its property tax is to be reduced by 52
<br />percent up to a maximum of $300 before computation of
<br />the homestead credit. If a homestead is located within a
<br />school district which does not qualify as a tax relief area,
<br />but is situated in a county with a population of less than
<br />100,000 wherein a qualified school district is located, its
<br />property tax before the homestead credit is to be reduced
<br />by 52 percent up to maximum of $300, provided that at
<br />least 90 percent of the area of the non - qualified school
<br />district lies within the county. The section of the article
<br />relating to the imposition of the additional tax is to be
<br />effective for all iron ore concentrate produced in any
<br />year beginning after December 31, 1974, and those sections
<br />pertaining to the distribution of the tax are to be effective
<br />for all years after December 31, 1975.
<br />Article XIII provides that the stated period of redemp-
<br />tion for certain land sold to an actual purchaser or bid
<br />in for the state at a tax judgment sale held after Decem-
<br />ber 31, 1975 is to be three years from the date of sale
<br />if the land is within an incorporated area. The reduced
<br />redemption period is not to be applicable to residential
<br />and agricultural land classified as homestead property and
<br />seasonal recreational land.
<br />OaN6aAt OOVFRNMater
<br />Town treasurer's bonds. Ch. 8 permits town boards to
<br />establish the amount of town treasurer's bonds: The
<br />effective date of the date was March 8, 1975.
<br />Decorations. Ch. 30 grants to councils of statutory cities
<br />the power to provide decorations, signs, plaques and
<br />attached accessories for public streets, buildings and parks.
<br />The effective date is August 1, 1975.
<br />Collector's vehicles registration. Ch. 55 requires any motor
<br />vehicle that is at least 20 years old and manufactured after
<br />1935, or of a defunct make, and owned and operated solely
<br />as a collector's vehicle, to he listed for taxation and regis-
<br />tration as provided in this act. The effective date of the act
<br />is March 1, 1976.
<br />Purchase of surplus state land. Chapter 81 requires the
<br />Commissioner of Administration, in order to determine
<br />whether a public body desires to purchase surplus land
<br />offered for sale by the state, to publish notice describing
<br />the land in a newspaper of general circulation in the county
<br />in which the land is located and to give written notice to
<br />the governing body of each political subdivision whose
<br />jurisdictional boundaries include or are adjacent to the
<br />surplus land. If a public body desires to purchase the
<br />surplus land, it must submit a written offer to the Com-
<br />missioner not later than two weeks after the last published
<br />notice, setting forth in detail its reasons for desiring to
<br />acquire and its intended use of the land. In the event that
<br />more than one public body tenders an offer, the Commis-
<br />sioner mould determine which party would receive the
<br />property. The effective date was May 3, 1975.
<br />Minimum public building cast for which services of a
<br />licensed architect, engineer or land surveyor. is required.
<br />Chapter 83 increases from $2,000 to $30.000 the amount
<br />of any public work or public improvement done by a
<br />public body above which the services of a licensed architect,
<br />engineer or land surveyor must be employed. The effective
<br />date was May 3, 1975.
<br />10
<br />Recording functions of the register of deeds. Chapter 115
<br />removes from the law the requirement that the register of
<br />deeds must keep separate books of deeds, mortgages, and
<br />other instruments and merely requires the regiater of deeds
<br />to keep records of all instruments left with him for record.
<br />'The effective date is August 1, 1975.
<br />Margin notations on mechanics Hen claims. Chapter 116
<br />eliminates from the law the requirements that registers, of
<br />deeds make margin notations on mechanics lien claims. The
<br />effective date is August 1, 1975.
<br />Joint powers law amendments. Chapter 134 is the Le
<br />bill which amends the law permitting the board of county
<br />commissioners to enter into agreements with any other
<br />governmental unit, as defined in the joint powers act, to
<br />perform on behalf of that unit any service or function
<br />which that unit would be authorized to provide for itself,
<br />to provide that the cost, if any, of providing that service
<br />or function would be negotiated between the parties. fhe
<br />definition of governmental unit as used in the joint powers
<br />act, which now includes every city, county, town, school
<br />district, and other political subdivision, is broadened to
<br />include any instrumentality of a governmental unn, the
<br />act defines an instrumentality of a governmental unit as an
<br />instrumentality having independent policy making and
<br />appropriating authority. The effective date is August 1,
<br />1975.
<br />Bonding of deputy registrars of motor vehlck as. Chapter
<br />146 provides that deputy registrars of motor vehicles who
<br />are county or city officers need not be bonded. If a
<br />deputy registrar is not an officer or employee of a city or
<br />county, the deputy must give bond to the state in the sum
<br />of $10,000, or such larger surn as may be required by the
<br />registrar of motor vehicles. The effective date is August 1
<br />1975.
<br />Procedure Involving mortgage discharges. Chapter 14a
<br />permits a register of deeds to enter the number of a certif .
<br />cate of satisfaction of a mortgage on a microfilm canb
<br />instead of upon the record of the mortgage. The effective
<br />date is August 1, 1975.
<br />Legal newspapers. Chapter 155 requires a newspaper, is
<br />order to be qualified as a medium of official and led sI
<br />publication, to meet not only the requirements ir tyre
<br />present law but also to be made available at single or staa-
<br />scription prices to any person, corporation, partnership a
<br />other unincorporated association requesting the newspar.e
<br />and making the applicable payment. The effective dote d
<br />the law was May 17, 1975.
<br />Aeronaudcal services to municipalities. Chapter 59
<br />authorizes the Department of Aeronautics to provide tech.
<br />nical and engineering services to municipalities in aaarec
<br />tion not only with construction, maintenance, or Operaoon
<br />of existing or proposed ail ports, but also with planning,
<br />acquisition, and zoning services However- the ('ommis-
<br />sioner of the department m;n charge for such adnunistra
<br />live. engineering or other technical services when payment
<br />or reimbursement for such services p made by the United
<br />States Government, or any agency or department thereof,
<br />and the payment or reimbursement will not resu1' m a
<br />decrease in the amount of money or funds otherwise pa)
<br />able by the United States (.i overt nient. 01 any agenct or
<br />department thereof, to the municipality requesting until
<br />services. The effective date is August 1, 1975
<br />No-fault automobile insurance amendments. Chapter 160
<br />requires that vehicles be insured only during the pc' uxi
<br />in which operation or use is contemplated. The law, would
<br />also permit the Supreme Court to adopt rules to provide
<br />for the submission to arbitration. upon mutual consent of
<br />all parties to the ac min. of all cases at issue where tt damn
<br />and an amount „f $5,000 or less is made by .t nwtor vehicle
<br />accident victim_ The effective date of the law was May 20.
<br />1975.
<br />Minno.cota dean indoor air ;Wit ( !motel 211 would
<br />prohibit any person from smoking in a public pace or
<br />at a puhlic meeting except in designated snutkinp ,teas
<br />Minnesota Municipalities
<br />