The t " p4 Mac place" is defined by the act to mean
<br />any en,.r. =*_, moor area used by the general public or
<br />Past" us a place of work, including, but not limited to,
<br />resttatranda retail stores, offices and other commercial
<br />public conveyances, educational facilities.
<br />noosing homes, auditoriums, arenas, and meeting
<br />rooms. the definition excludes private, enclosed offices
<br />occupied exotuOvely by smokers even though such offices
<br />may be visited by non - smokers. The term "public meeting"
<br />is defined by the act to include all meetings open to the
<br />pubic pursuant to the open meeting law. The effective
<br />date of the act is August 1, 1975. ��.. -----�
<br />Fug Chapter 215 pro pail y toilets and urinals
<br />in nubile places, public conveyances or public buildings
<br />unless at least oases -half of the available toilets in the same
<br />sires or rroom are free and maintained at the same
<br />standar* d sanitation and upkeep. The effective date is
<br />July 1, 1975.
<br />Special Ranee plates to physically handicapped. Chapter
<br />217 authorises the issuance of special license plates to
<br />physically handicapped persons. The effective date is
<br />August 1, 1975,
<br />Publication of county flnmklal statements. Chapter 278
<br />extends the time for publication of county financial state -
<br />ments from the first Tuesday after the first Monday in
<br />February to the same day in March, The law also permits
<br />county boards to refrain from publishing an itemized
<br />account of amounts paid out, to whom and for what pur-
<br />pose to the extent that the published proceedings of the
<br />county board contain such information, provided that all
<br />disbursements aggregating $1,000 or more to any person
<br />are set forth in a schedule of major disbursements showing
<br />amounts paid out, to whom and for what purpose and are
<br />made a part of, and published with, the financial statement.
<br />The effective date was June 3, 1975.
<br />Filling vacancies In the office of county commissioner.
<br />Chapter 280 establishes a new system for filling vacancies
<br />in the office of county commissioner.
<br />A vacancy in the office of county commissioner must
<br />be filled at a special election to be held not less than 30
<br />nor more than 60 days after the vacancy occurs. The
<br />special primary or special election may be held on the
<br />same day as a regular primary or regular election, provided
<br />that the special election must be held not less than 14
<br />days after the special primary election. The person elected
<br />at the special election would take office immediately after
<br />receipt of the certificate of election and upon filing the
<br />bond and oath of office. The person would serve the
<br />remainder of the unexpired teen. If the county has been
<br />reapportioned since the commencement of the term of the
<br />vacant office, the election must be based on the district
<br />as reapportioned.
<br />if the vacancy occurs less than 60 days before the
<br />general election preceding the end of the term, the vacancy
<br />must be filled by the person elected at that election for
<br />the ensuing term who will take office immediately after
<br />receiving the certificate of election and upon filing the
<br />bond and oath of office.
<br />In addition to the events specified in current law
<br />concerning when a vacancy occurs in the office of county
<br />commissioner, this act provides that absence from the
<br />county for six consecutive months is to be deemed to
<br />create a vacancy.
<br />The effective date of the act is June 3, 1975, and the
<br />act applies to all appointments to vacancies in the office
<br />of county commissioner made on or after January 1, 1975.
<br />As 'to vacancies for which an appointment was made on
<br />or after January 1, 1975, and before the effective date
<br />of this law, a special election must be held not less than
<br />30 days nor more than 60 days after the effective date
<br />of this act for the propose of electing a successor to serve
<br />the remainder of the unexpired term of the office.
<br />Blanket pertormance bonds for all county officers and
<br />employees. Chapter 281 provides that in any county, in
<br />July 1975
<br />lieu of the individual bonds required to be furnished by
<br />county officers or by county employees, a blanket per,
<br />formance bond may be given by county officers or by
<br />the employees including officers and employees required
<br />by law to furnish an individual bond or undertaking. The
<br />effective date of the act was June 3, 1975.
<br />Authority to advance expense money. Chapter 288 is the
<br />League - supported bill which provides that the governing
<br />bodies of cities and counties may advance to any authorized
<br />person the estimated costs of traveling to and attending
<br />meetings both within and outside the state on official
<br />business, including but not limited to attending meetings
<br />of the League of Minnesota Municipalities and county,
<br />regional, state, and national associations of cities and
<br />counties. Every person who receives advances under this
<br />law will be required to present a properly verified itemized
<br />claim to the governing body promptly after the expenses
<br />are incurred. If the actual and necessary expenses of the
<br />person were more than the amount of the advance, the
<br />governing body must reimburse the person for the differ-
<br />ence between the advance and the actual and necessary
<br />expenses. If the advance exceeded the actual and necessary
<br />expenses, the person who received the advance is required
<br />to promptly return the excess funds to the governing body,
<br />and the governing body is permitted to deduct the amount
<br />of the excess funds from any monies which may become
<br />due to the person, including wages or salary. The effective
<br />date was June 3, 1975.
<br />County commissioner compensation. (Summary by Ralph
<br />T. Keyes, Association of Minnesota Counties.) Chapter 301
<br />was an Association of Minnesota Counties supported hill.
<br />The act alters in a comprehensive manner compensation
<br />for county commissioners in all counties except Hennepin,
<br />Ramsey and St. Louis. It provides for compensation of
<br />county commissioners consisting of: (I) salary, (2) a
<br />schedule of permissive per diem payments and (3) reim-
<br />bursements for the expenses of carrying on commissioner
<br />duties. It also provides for the repeal of the cost of living
<br />adjustments statute, M.S. 375.43, effective January 1, 1976
<br />with all adjustments made pursuant to that statute to be
<br />considered part of the salary of the officer from and after
<br />that date.
<br />Minnesota Statutes, Section 375.055, Subd. 1 is
<br />amended and reads "The county commissioners in all
<br />counties of the state, except Hennepin, Ramsey and
<br />St. Louis Counties, shall receive as compensation for
<br />services rendered by them for their respective counties.
<br />annual salaries and in addition may receive per diem pay
<br />ments and reimbursement for necessary expenses in per-
<br />forming the duties of the office as set hy resolution of the
<br />county board providing that the salary and schedule of
<br />per diem payments shall not become effective until Jane.
<br />ary 1, of the next year . . The board may establish
<br />a schedule of per diem payments for service by individual
<br />county commissioners on any board, committee, or com-
<br />mission of county government, including committees of
<br />the board, or for the performance of services hy individual
<br />county commissioners when required by law .
<br />The resolution must be published as part of the proceedings
<br />of the board and an additional publication is required if
<br />there is an additional newspaper in the county. The restri•
<br />tions on the amount of per diems which may be retained
<br />for commissioners and the chairmen of the county hoard
<br />are removed from the statute.
<br />The law supersedes any special act f 't a single county
<br />or a group of counties prosading for the payment of per
<br />diems to county commissioners to the extent that 11 is
<br />inconsistent with the language of this act. the .ict
<br />effective on final enactment to permit the adoption 0( the
<br />resolution setting the salary and the schedule of per diems
<br />(which cannot be effective before lanua1y I, 1976) file
<br />cost of living adjustment repeal is el Iective January 1 1976
<br />Any statute relating to salary or per diems lot members
<br />of the county hoard shall remain effective until the imple
<br />menting resolution becomes effective but there is .in overall
<br />effective date (January I, 1977) at time all pre-
<br />visions of the law become effective,
<br />11
<br />