D. no person shall ride or operate a bicycle in 0-
<br />Cndoter 169, Minnesota Statutes 1974, as amended. Pe-
<br />sons riding a bicycle shall observe and ,bey all traf,ic
<br />and directional signs.
<br />No person shall ride or operate a bicycle in any Open
<br />Space Site except in a prudent and careful manner, and
<br />unless such person shall be capable of effective control
<br />and operation of said vehicle. Pedestrians and motorized
<br />vehicles shall have the right -of -way where a bikeway in-
<br />tersects pedestrian trails or roadways.
<br />No person shall ride or operate a bicycle in any Open
<br />Space Site faster than is reasonable and safe, with regard
<br />to the safety of the operator and other persons in tine
<br />im ediate area.
<br />No person shall ride or operate a bicycle in any Open
<br />Space Site 30 minutes after sunset and 30 minutes before
<br />sunrise witncut appropriate front and rear lighting.
<br />All bicycle riders shall remain in single file and proceed
<br />in the extreme right hand lane of a drive or bikeway at
<br />all tines except when passing another vehicle cr bicy.: n
<br />parked or traveling in the same direction.
<br />Wherever provided, bicycles shall be parked in locations
<br />set aside specifically for their storage.
<br />3.5 Golf
<br />a. NO person Cr group of persons or organization shall play
<br />golf or hold a tournament or use any golf course under
<br />the jurisdiction of the Board without Having procured a
<br />permit or green fee receipt from the Director or his
<br />representative.
<br />b. No person shall drive, putt or in any ether manner play
<br />or practice golf except In areas specifically designated
<br />for such use.
<br />c. Valid permits or green fee receipts issued by the Depart-
<br />ment shall be carried on the player, or group representa-
<br />tive and shall be exhibited upon demand by the Director
<br />or his representative.
<br />d. Golfers shall be properly attired in accordance with
<br />socially acceptable standards.
<br />e. No person shall tamper with any irrigation system, tee
<br />marker, greens flag or maintenance equipment.
<br />f. No person shall sell any merchandise en any golf course
<br />except those concessioners authorized by the Board.
<br />g. Entrance to or exit from any golf course shall only be
<br />through designated access points.
<br />3.6 Boating
<br />a. No person shall operate any watercraft on any Open Space
<br />Waters contrary to or in violation of Chapter 361, Minne-
<br />sota Statutes 1974, as amended.
<br />b. No person shall launch or land any boat, canoe, raft or
<br />other watercraft on or from any shoreline under the
<br />jurisdiction of the Board except at locations specifically
<br />designated for such purposes.
<br />c. No person shall operate, row or paddle a boat, canoe or
<br />other watercraft on any Open Space Waters unless able to
<br />handle the same with safety to himself, other occupants
<br />thereof, or in such manner as not to annoy or endanger
<br />the occupants of other boats.
<br />d. No person shall leave any watercraft unattended except
<br />In areas specifically designated for mooring, anchoring
<br />or beaching.
<br />e. No person shall operate any watercraft within an area
<br />which has been designated as a swimming area.
<br />f. No person shall drop or throw from any watercraft garbage,
<br />litter or other debris.
<br />411 watercrafts launched from a System facility or oper-
<br />ating on Open Space Waters shall have a Coast Guard approved
<br />life preserver for each occupant.
<br />h. No person shall stand up in, rock or operate any watercraft
<br />in a careless or reckless manner.
<br />9.
<br />3.7 Winter Activities
<br />No person shall snowmobile, skate, toboggan, sled, or ski in
<br />any Open Space Site except at such times and in such areas
<br />specifically designated for such use.
<br />3.8 Snowmobiling
<br />a. No person shall operate a snowmobile in any Open Space
<br />Site, on any public trail or lake surface under the
<br />jurisdiction of Ramsey County except In areas and on
<br />trails and lakes specifically designated for such use.
<br />b. No person shall operate a snowmobile in any Open Space
<br />Site, on any public trail or lake surface under the
<br />jurisdiction of the Board contrary to or in violation
<br />of Section 84.81 to 84.90, Minnesota Statutes 1974, as
<br />amended and the Regulations of the Commissioner of
<br />Natural Resources N.R. 51 to 59, as amended.
<br />c. No person shall operate a snowmobile at a speed in ex-
<br />cess of limits specifically posted for such use or at
<br />a speed in excess of 15 miles per hour within 150 feet
<br />of any fisherman, fish house. pedestrian, skier. skating
<br />rink, sliding area, ski tow area or other area where
<br />such operation would conflict with or endanger other
<br />Persons or property.
<br />d. No person shall operate a snowmobile within 150 feet of
<br />any residential shoreline on sanctioned lakes in Ramsey
<br />County except at a speed of 15 miles per hour or less
<br />for purpose of access to and egress from the lake, or
<br />for the purpose of parking such vehicles near the shore-
<br />line.
<br />f.
<br />9-
<br />No person shall operate a snowmobile so as to tow any
<br />Person, sled or other conveyance except by the use of
<br />a rigid tow bar attached to the rear of such snowmobile.
<br />Disabled snowmobiles shall be exempt.
<br />No person shall operate a snowmobile unless such vehicle
<br />is equipped with a head light and tail light that are
<br />illuminated at all times during such operation. Snow-
<br />mobiles equipped with an engine of five (5) horsepower
<br />or less shall be exempt.
<br />No person shall operate a snowmobile unless such vehicle
<br />is equipped with a red or blaze orange pennant flan of
<br />at least forty (40) square inches in area and displayed
<br />at a height of not less than five (5) feet above tne
<br />treadway.
<br />3.9 Motorized Recreation Vehicle
<br />No person shall operate a motorized recreation vehicle within
<br />any Open Space Site except in such areas specifically desig-
<br />nated for such use.
<br />No person shall operate a non - licensed vehicle on any park-
<br />way or other roadway within an Open Space Site.
<br />3.10 Equestrian
<br />a. No person shall ride or drive a horse in any Open Space
<br />Site except in areas, and on bridle paths, traits aro
<br />roadways specifically designated for such use.
<br />b. No person shall ride or drive a horse in any Open Space
<br />Site between the times. of 30 minutes after sunset and 30
<br />minutes before sunrise, unless horse drawn vehicles are
<br />adequately lighted.
<br />c. No person shall ride or drive any horse which cannot be
<br />held under such control that it may be easily turned or
<br />stopped. No person who is a beginner shall ride or drive
<br />a horse In any Open Space Site unless accompanied by
<br />capable supervision.
<br />d. No person shall ride or drive a horse in a reckless or
<br />careless manner so as to create a nuisance or to endanger
<br />the safety or property of said rider or other riders,
<br />pedestrians, or vehicles.
<br />e. No person shall mistreat, over -ride, cruelly beat, muti-
<br />late or torture any horse.
<br />f. No person shall permit any horse to stray unattended or
<br />graze In any Open Space Site. A11 unbridled, unmounted
<br />or unattended horses shall be securely hitched or
<br />corralled at locations specifically designated and pro-
<br />vided for such purposes.
<br />g. No person shall ride or drive a horse so as to obstruct
<br />in any way the use of riding trails or bridle oaths by
<br />other riders. Pedestrians and vehicles shall have the
<br />right -of -way where an equestrian trail intersects other
<br />established trails or roadways.
<br />h. No person shall ride or drive a horse at a pace faster
<br />than a walk or slow trot when passing a pedestrian.
<br />i. No person shall ride or drive a horse at a pace faster
<br />than a trot when passing another rider going in the oppo-
<br />site direction.
<br />No person shall ride or drive a horse at an pace faster
<br />than a slow gait when passing another rider going in the
<br />same direction.
<br />j
<br />J.11 Comping
<br />a. No person shall establish or maintain any camp or other
<br />temporary lodging or sleeping place in any Open Space Site
<br />except by permit and then only in areas specifically
<br />designated for such use.
<br />b. No person shall camp for a period longer than that
<br />authorized by the permit.
<br />c. A11 garbage or refuse of any kind shall be placed in re-
<br />ceptacles provided for that purpose.
<br />d. No person shall install permanent camp facilities or
<br />physically alter the camp site.
<br />e. No person shall wash cooking and eating utensils, or _lean
<br />fish except at locations designated for such use.
<br />f. No person shall cut or gather wood on any Open Space Site
<br />for fuel other than that provided by the Department and
<br />stored for such use.
<br />No person shall desert a camp site until the site is
<br />completely razed and is thoroughly cleaned.
<br />No person or group of persons shall use a park lodge un-
<br />less a specific permit has been granted by the Director
<br />for such use.
<br />1. Permits for lodges shall be issued to adults only, and
<br />said adult shall be on the premises at all times during
<br />the duration of the permit.
<br />9.
<br />h.
<br />4.1 Defacement, Destruction of Property and Resources
<br />a. No person shall tamper with. climb on, injure, deface,
<br />destroy, disturb, damage or remove any part of any
<br />System building, structure, sign, light pole, drinking
<br />fountain, hydrant, table. grill, equipment, statue or
<br />other property found therein.
<br />b. No person shall deface. disturb or remove in any manner
<br />any soil, artifact, fossil, rock or other mineral resource.
<br />c. No person shall excavate any ditch, trench, tunnel, or
<br />hole in any Open Space Site.
<br />