Nmenation of Vigetagon
<br />a.:' No person shall injure, cut. destroy, mutilate, uproot.
<br />disturb, or remove any flower, tree, shrub, or any plan'..
<br />whether wild or cultivated, or any part thereof.
<br />b. No person shall plant or cause to be planted any wild,
<br />cultivated or exotic tree. shrub or plant except rn
<br />specifically designated areas with the written per-
<br />mission of the Director. tick any flowers,
<br />trample No person shall fell or climb any tree; any flowers,
<br />fruit or vegetable (not self grown); P Y
<br />tree seedlings, . flower beds, vegetable gardens or new
<br />turf seedlings.
<br />No person shall hitch any animal ni orriastei, anchor hortors.
<br />otherwise attach any wire, shrub e. signs.
<br />or. other articles to any tree, any e. Space shall isedetrimentalo to the turffandysooiln
<br />conditions..
<br />f. No person shall remove any device, apparatus or material
<br />installed for the protection, support, or preservation
<br />of any tree, shrub or plant.
<br />Intel,
<br />No person owning, being in custody, or having control of
<br />any animal, whether wild, pet or domestic, shall cause or
<br />allow such animal to roam or be at large in any Open
<br />Space Site.
<br />b. No person being in custody of any animal shall
<br />lltpermpermit
<br />tive
<br />said animal. to enter any beach area,- nature
<br />area, wildlife refuge, golf course or park building,
<br />whether leashed or otherwise, and when such aninais are
<br />authorized they shall be restrained at all times by a
<br />suitable leash not more than six feet long or confined to
<br />a suitable cage.
<br />No person in custody of any pet or animal shall allow
<br />said animal to disturb, harass or interfere with other is
<br />open space users or their property.
<br />Any unattended domestic animal or pet found roaming or at
<br />large within any Open Space Site shall be impounded.
<br />e. All state and local ordinances relating to the licensing
<br />and muzzling of animals and pets shall apply to same
<br />brought into any Open Space Site.
<br />No person shall release or introduce any exotic or wild
<br />animal in any Open Space Site without the written per-
<br />mission of the Director.
<br />q. No person owning or in custody of any pet or domestic
<br />animal shall allow such animal to graze or browse in any
<br />Open Space Site.
<br />Hunting, Fishing am! Molating WiWNfe
<br />4. No person shall kill, hunt, trap, pursue, injure, molest
<br />or unnecessarily disturb or have in possession any species .
<br />of wildlife including birds, waterfowl, fish or other
<br />animals found within the confines of any Open Space Site,
<br />except that fishing may be permitted in designated areas
<br />subject to laws and regulations as established by the
<br />State of Minnesota.
<br />b. No person shall rob, disturb, or molest the nest, eggs
<br />or young of any birds, or other animals within the con -
<br />fines of any Open Space Site.
<br />4.4
<br />4.5 fines
<br />a. No person shall start or maintain a fire in any Open Space
<br />Site except small recreational fires in fireplaces, fire
<br />rings, and grills provided for that purpose in areas
<br />specifically designated for such use. Private grills may
<br />be used in residue therefrom be ddisposed rofl in ashes
<br />containers provided
<br />for such disposal.
<br />b. Any person who starts or maintains a fire in an authorized
<br />area shall exercise continuous supervision from the time
<br />the fire is kindled until It is extinguished. No fire
<br />shall cause damage or constitute a threat to site vege-
<br />tation and resources. nor shall it cause discomfort to
<br />other open space users.
<br />c. The Director may at his discretion prohibit fires for
<br />limited periods at any location for any purpose when it
<br />is necessary for the continued protection of System pro-
<br />perty and resources.
<br />4.6 Wash and Litter
<br />a. No person shall throw, cast, drop, pour, spill or dis-
<br />charge, or permit to escape in or upon any land, pond,
<br />river, creek, stream, ditch, storm sewer or drain flowing
<br />into or through any Open Space Site, any substance, matter
<br />or thing whether solid. liquid, or gas, which shall result
<br />In the pollution of said waters, interfere with the con-
<br />servation management of the water resource, or endanger
<br />the health of the public.
<br />b. No person shall deposit, scatter, drop or ebandor: in any
<br />Open Space Site, any paper, bottles, cans, sewage, waste.
<br />trash or other debris except in receptables provided by the
<br />Department for such purposes. No person shall deposit in
<br />any receptacle in any Open Space Site any accumulation of
<br />waste or trash generated outside the boundaries of the site.
<br />c. No person shall drop, throw or otherwise leave unattended
<br />in any Open Space Site lighted matches, burning cigars,
<br />cigarettes, tobacco, paper or other combustible material_
<br />Fin Arms, Weapons, fInavwks
<br />a. firearm,�missle possess,
<br />fireeworksl or explosives es inranytOpen any
<br />Space Site.
<br />No person except a law enforcement officer shall possess
<br />carry a firearm of any description in any Open Space
<br />Site. No person shall possess or carry In any Open Space
<br />Site any air gun, bow and arrow, knife with a blade great-
<br />er than 3 inches, slingshot, dart or projectile thrower.
<br />or any other dangerous or illegal weapon. Nothing in this
<br />section shall be construed to prevent the recreational use
<br />of firearms and bow and arrows on officially established
<br />field or target ranges.
<br />c Any unauthorized Illegal zuwt Space
<br />Site shall be subject toseire byalaw enforcement
<br />officer.
<br />4.8 Disturbing Ow Peace - Conduce
<br />a. No person or group of persons shall disturb the peace and
<br />good order to any Open Space Site by either word or act.
<br />b. No person or group of persons shall use threatening,
<br />abusive, insulting, obscene or Indecent language or commit,
<br />perform or engage to any lewd, lascivious, obscene or in-
<br />decent act. r < quarreling, iongf periosotons u
<br />d. No person or group of persons shall disturb, harass or
<br />interfere with any open space user or the user's property.
<br />e. No person shall solicit or ask anyone to commit, perform
<br />or engage in any lewd, lascivious, obscene, or indecent
<br />act of behavior.
<br />4,9 Audio Devices
<br />•
<br />a. No person e nay�t�
<br />radio, television, record or tape player, loudspeaker,
<br />public address system or sound amplifying equipment of
<br />any kind in any Open Space Site to such a manner that the
<br />sound emanating therefrom is audible beyond the immediate
<br />vicinity usetofrtheinstrument,
<br />Open en and other
<br />or disturbs the residents of adjacent property.
<br />4.10 Loitering
<br />a. No person over the age of six shall enter any comfort
<br />station or_restroom, washroom, or toilet facility set
<br />apart or designated for the opposite sex.
<br />b. No person shall lurk or loiter In or around any toilet
<br />or other System structure except to use such facility .
<br />for the purpose for which it 1s intended.
<br />4.11 Alcoholic and Inroxkafing leverages
<br />No person shall transport, possess. offer for sale, consume
<br />or be under the influence of any beer. wine, liquor or other
<br />alcoholic or intoxicating beverage in any Open Space Site
<br />except with a special permit or in such and tssuch times
<br />and except may be designated by the Director, ep at
<br />places where beverages are sold by licensees of the Board.
<br />4.12 Controlled Substances
<br />No person shall use, possess, consume, administer, dispense,
<br />sell, give away or be under the influence of5any controlled
<br />substance listed In Schedules I -v, possession.
<br />Statutes, 1974, as amended, except when such use,
<br />influence and administration are authorized by statutes.
<br />4.13 Gambling
<br />a. No person shall play, participate in, wager on or aoainst
<br />any game of chance or activity defined by Sections 609.75
<br />and 609.76, Minnesota Statutes, 1974, as amended.
<br />b. No person shall operate any gambling device or conduct
<br />any game of chance defined by Sections 609.75 and 609.76,.
<br />Minnesota Statutes, 1974, as amended.
<br />4.14 Parades, Entertainment, Publk Meetings
<br />No processions, parades, pageants, ceremonies, exhibitions,
<br />celebrations, training exercises, speeches, entertainment or
<br />other public gatherings shall be allowed to pass through or
<br />take place to any Open Space Site or on any parkway except
<br />with written permission of the Director.
<br />4.15 Dames .
<br />No person shall engage in any potentially dangerous games
<br />'involving thrown or propelled objects, chmas footballs.
<br />baseballs, horseshoes, golf balls,
<br />or similar objects, except to areas specifically designated
<br />for such usage.
<br />4.16 Advertising
<br />"a. No person shall distribute or or'
<br />pamphlets, circulars, other
<br />ir
<br />written or orintad material except with the written
<br />permission of the Director.
<br />