• A permanent easement for road
<br />1 and 2 described. below:
<br />PARCEL 1
<br />EXHIBIT 13 '
<br />and utility purposes
<br />Lots 25 and 26, SAINT JOHN'S CITY',,.togcther.wit.li'all tlia.t part :of. the
<br />Southeast quarter of Section 6, Township, 29, Range'22,.1y.ing'between
<br />the Easterly and Westerly lines'of:L'.ot'26 SAINT' JOHN'S CITY,' extended.
<br />Southerly to the shore of Lake Sav:agc.
<br />PARCEL 2
<br />Iliat part of the Southeast ,quarter of Section..'6, Township 29, Range 2"2,
<br />and those parts of Lots 2 and 3', ",block'. 3c-,SAVAGE LAYE'IIOi•ILSITES;'al1
<br />described as commencing at the Southwest 7corner .of`'said' "Southeast quarter;
<br />thence E a s t a l o n g the South line..'of.said'',Southe'ast quarter, a distance
<br />o f 1 7 6 1 . 9 f e a t ; thence d e f l e c t to •the 1eft 89 degrees'8 minutes a
<br />distance of 226.7 feet; thence. East, deflecting: to th.c'•'right:90 degrees
<br />a distance of 250 feet; therice,'Northeasterly along a line which it
<br />extended would intersect the Northeast corner. (ICE said 'Lot ,2,.Block 3
<br />to the shore of Savage Lake, the actual point of beginning of the land
<br />herein described; thence continuing Northeasterly along said last
<br />described line `to the Hortheast. corner 'of :5iad Lot 2,.. block '3;.thence
<br />Southeasterly deflecting to the right .93 degrees 37 uiinutes,;:a.distance
<br />of 42.98 feet; thence Southeasterly•on a tangential curve' to the 'right
<br />having a radius of 603.62 ,feet to :an .intersection wi th the West line ,of:
<br />Lot 26, SAINT JOHN'S C-I TY ; Ramsey. Couity,.l4i.nnesota; thence South .along,.:;
<br />the West line of said Lot 26 and .its'.extension to the shore of SuVUJC
<br />Lake; thence Westerly. and Southtcrly along the shore of Savage Lak'e'to
<br />the actual 'point of beginning which lie's Northeasterly of' Line 1•descr.ibed
<br />bet ow: •
<br />Line 1. beginning at the mast Easterly corner of said.:Lot 25;, .thence
<br />.';'
<br />Northwesterly along the 'Northeasterly 1ine. of 'said PARCEL :1
<br />a distance of. 70 feet; thence Northwesterly to a point .on the';
<br />Northeasterly line of said PARCEL 2 distant' 60.00 feet SopLficast;
<br />of LLc Northeast :corner of Lot; .2;.thence Northwesterly to the' •
<br />NurUicast corner of •Lot 2 and there terminating.
<br />A temporary construction easement, 5 fee t.. in width
<br />of and adjacent to Linc 1 described, above. ._.
<br />A temporary construction easement over 'the 'Westerly. 45 ',feet of the. Easterly
<br />115 feet of PARCEL 1 and being 'the Southerly-10 'feet of; the Northerly.'
<br />15 fret, lying Southwesterly: of and adjacent ?to. tine '1'describedabove.
<br />A temporary construction easement over the Easterly 4O feeb'of the'; Westerly
<br />93 feel of PARCEL 2 and being,;the,,' Sou the r1y';lO' f et: t 'of; the '.:Northe,r1,y._15'.`
<br />feet, lying Southwesterly of and a,djacent to.Line "1'1 described:. - above.
<br />A permanent utility easement over the Easterly 10 feet of Lite Westerly
<br />53 feet of PARCEL 2,•15 Ft. in width, 9yitng Southwesterly, of-and
<br />adjacent to Line I described above.
<br />• Said temporary construction easements will commence June 1,•
<br />1988, and will expire on December 1, 1989.
<br />'LC 29
<br />Page 13
<br />iNITiA HERE
<br />a(c.,
<br />oS -02»
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