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Three municipalities would no lour r receive rent payments from <br />the County. <br />Some suburban police personnel would have to travel a farther <br />distance to testify or conduct other business with the Court, <br />which could result in their being "out of service" for a longer <br />time. This :inconvenience could he n:inimi::cd by effective case <br />scheduling, and partly offset by tin_ certainty that a Judge <br />would in fact be available at the facility. Currently, a Judge <br />is not available in at least two of the five facilities at any <br />given time. <br />Prosecutorial expense could riser it mare prosecutor time (wait- <br />ing time) is expended. Once ar;iin, effective case scheduling <br />could minimize this factor. <br />To the County: <br />Since the two municipalities would have had to make sizeable <br />expenditures for construction, and /or remodeling and relocat- <br />ing, they would almost surely require the County to enter into <br />a very long -term lease agreement. If it is at al] desirable <br />within the next fcw years for the County to acquire or con- <br />struct a facility to he used as ;t County suburban service cen- <br />ter, including the Court's operat ion, ;;rich .Long -terra lease <br />agreements would likely prevent that From happening, at least <br />until the end of the long -terns lease period. Also, the County <br />would continue to be a renter. <br />CURRENT SITUATION (FIVE LOCATIONS) VS. TWO NEW LOCATIONS <br />This option would involve County construction, or acquisition and <br />remodeling of two new sites in the suburbs. All of the advantages <br />;5 <br />