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MEMO <br />TO: Metropolitan Losers' Group and Association <br />of Small Cities <br />DATE: December 1, 1982 <br />RE: League of Minnesota Cities State Aid Legislative Policy <br />The Metropolitan Losers' Group and the Association of Small Cities <br />have been working through the committee system of the League of <br />Minnesota Cities to gain support for changes that will make the <br />state aid formula more equitable. The lobbying efforts of the <br />League of Minnesota Cities would be vital in gaining the necessary <br />legislative changes. <br />The issue has been raised and acted upon by the Revenue Resource <br />Committee. By a vote of 14 to 6, this committee recommended that <br />state <br />capita and 1need, were bthen areviewed, butlthetcommitteeewasnunable <br />to reach a decision as to how the formula should be changed. <br />The recommendation of the Revenue Resource Committee, to change the <br />state aid formula, was then forwarded to the League of Minnesota <br />Cities Board of Directors. At this level the committee decision <br />was reversed, and the existing LMC policy was stressed - -no <br />legislative change is to be considered until it has been first <br />reviewed and approved by the League. <br />It appears that the board decision was based, not so much on the <br />merits of the recommended change, but on the issue itself. From the <br />viewpoint of members of the board, the matter is too hot, too volatile, <br />and a delve into change threatens to split the League of Minnesota <br />Cities. This, they feel, would be detrimental to all cities. <br />The issue will be ',rought to the League of Minnesota Cities 1;;rislative <br />conference to be held January 26, 1983 in St. Paul. The purpose <br />of the conference is for the general membership to change or ratify <br />the recommendations of the Board of Directors. <br />Without question the existing state aid fotwula is inequitable, and <br />affected cities must be persistant in a quest for a change that is <br />equitable. It is of vital importance that every city be present at <br />the January 26 conference to vote for a change in the state aid <br />formula. <br />Your vote, and the assistance of any other city that you may be able <br />to contact and influence, will be greatly appreciated and can have <br />a great impact. <br />P.S. Legislative lobbying efforts are included in another memo. <br />