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10-13-1982 Council Agenda
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10-13-1982 Council Agenda
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- Butts and Sandberg <br />4. ATTORNEYS AT LAW <br />167 SOUTH LAKE STREET <br />FOREST LAKE. MINNESOTA 35025 <br />TELEPHONE 8$2/.S646!62 <br />STEVE L. BUTTS <br />DAVID C. SANDBERG <br />SHARON K. SILL <br />September 14, 1982 <br />Mr. Joseph Chlebeck, Clerk <br />City of Little Canada <br />515 Little Canada Road <br />Little Canada, Minn. 55117 <br />Re: My Client: Floyd J. Holzschuh /Holzschuh Addition <br />I am writing to you concerning the problems my client has had with platting <br />the above — described property located in Little Canada. My letter to you is <br />based upon information gleaned from talking to the Ramsey County Recorder, <br />the Ramsey County Department of Taxation, and your City Attorney, Mr. Thomas <br />Sweeney. <br />As I understand it, the Plat of Holzschuh Addition was finally approved in the <br />fall of 1981 by your City Council. According to your Ordinance 1004.030(E), <br />the plat should have been recorded within one hundred days after final approval <br />or the approval itself is void. As I understand it, the plat is 'not yet recorded. <br />My client finds himself unable to record the plat, and has been unable to do so <br />since it was finally approved, due to the existence of delinquent taxes due and <br />payable for the year 1981. In the years prior to 1981, the tax bill was quite <br />low, on the order of $250.00 or so. In 1981, assessments for improvements to <br />Payne Avenue, including sewer, water, pavement, curb and gutter and storm sewer <br />were certified to the Ramsey County tax rolls, bringing .[le total due on the 1981 <br />tax statement up to approximately $16,600.00. <br />The County Recorder in Ramsey County will not accept the plat Eor recording until <br />the delinquent taxes due and payable in 1981 including the assessments certified <br />thereon, are paid in full. The recorder has indicated that he must receive a <br />certificate of payment on all delinquent taxes from the Ramsey County Department <br />of Taxation before he will record the plat. In speaking with the Department of <br />Property Taxation, they indicate that the full amount of taxes and assessments must <br />be paid for 1981 before such a certificate of payment can issue. <br />The Department of Property Taxation has also indicated, however, that if your <br />city, by resolution, would agree to take the assessment portion off of the 1981 <br />tax statement and apply it to the 1982 and /or later tax statements, then and in <br />that event, a certificate of payment of delinquent taxes could be issued upon payment <br />of the general taxes alone, a figure somehwat on the order of $250.00. <br />My client has sold and unsold several lots in the plat on several occasions, and <br />has not been able to close these transactions because the plat is not recorded. <br />My client cannot record the plat until he has sufficient money to pay the taxes <br />
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