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10-13-1982 Council Agenda
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10-13-1982 Council Agenda
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5/21/2013 9:42:01 AM
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5/21/2013 9:40:41 AM
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• <br />Mr. Joseph Chlebeck September 14, 1982 <br />and assessments; he cannot obtain this money until the lots are sold. At this <br />point in time, as you can see, he is stuck in the middle of a financial dilemma. <br />I would appreciate it if you would review the foregoing, and either write or call <br />with answers to the following questions: <br />1. Is the City Council of Little Canada willing to reapprove on a final basis, <br />the Plat of Holzschuh Addition as it was originally approved last fall? <br />2. What was the date of final approval in fall of 1981? <br />3. When were the improvements to Payne Avenue (including all those for which <br />assessments have been levied) completed? <br />4. When did the interest begin to accrue on the unpaid levy assessment and <br />at what rate and in what amounts? <br />5. In order to ease my clients' financial dilemma for the present, and in order <br />to make the land saleable and allow the recording of the plat, will the City <br />Council allow, by resolution, the assessments due and payable in 1981 to be <br />passed over to the 1982 or later bax bills? <br />My client has spent considerable time and money in attempting to plat and sell this <br />property. If he cannot record the plat, he cannot sell the lots, and if he cannot <br />sell them, his only alternative will be to let the property go back to the county <br />and /or the state for nonpayment of taxes. That would mean a loss of revenue for <br />him, for the city, and eventually for the county and state. <br />I would appreciate a response to my questions noted above as soon as possible; if <br />you are able to arrange for payment of the delinquent general taxes (without payment <br />of the assessments) for the year 1981, we must do so before the end of this year. <br />On and after January, 1983, the taxes due and payable in 1982 will then also be <br />deemed to be delinquent. <br />Sincerely, <br />Steve Butts <br />SB /bb <br />cc: Mr. & Mrs. Floyd J. Holzschuh <br />
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