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10-13-1982 Council Agenda
City Council Packets
10-13-1982 Council Agenda
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5/21/2013 9:42:01 AM
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5/21/2013 9:40:41 AM
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The rendition of such service, the standards of performance, <br />the discipline of officers, and other matters incident to the performance <br />of such services and the control of personnel so employed, shall remain <br />in the County. In event of dispute between the parties as to the extent <br />of the duties and functions to be rendered hereunder, or the level or <br />manner of performance of such service, the determination thereof made by <br />the Sheriff of the County shall be final and conclusive as between the <br />parties hereto, provided however, that upon notice by the Municipality, <br />the parties shall negotiate their differences in accordance with the <br />provisions of paragraph 10 hereof. <br />Services performed hereunder shall include but not be limited <br />to traffic law enforcement including the regular use of radar as a speed <br />deterrent, non - traffic ordinance law enforcement, license inspection and <br />enforcement, and the regular patrol of business and residential areas <br />with the Municipality. <br />2. To facilitate the performance of said functions, it is <br />hereby agreed that the County shall have full cooperation and assistance <br />from the Municipality, its officers, agents and employees. <br />3. For the purpose of performing said functions, County shall <br />furnish and supply all necessary labor, supervision, equipment, communication <br />facilities and dispatching, and supplies necessary to maintain the level <br />of service to be rendered hereunder. <br />4. All Deputy Sheriffs, clerks, dispatchers and all other <br />personnel performing duties pursuant to this agreement shall at all <br />times be considered employees of the County for all purposes. <br />-2- <br />
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