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less than 30 days' written notice of any cancellation or <br />change in the scope or amount of coverage of such policy. <br />If Purchaser fails to comply with such requirement, Seller <br />may, at its option, obtain such insurance with its own funds <br />and Purchaser shall repay the same upon Seller's written <br />demand. Purchaser shall also obtain insurance coverage <br />satisfying the requirements of the Worker's Compensation Law <br />of the State of Minnesota. <br />(b) Purchaser will protect, indemnify, save harmless <br />and defend Seller from and against any and all liabilities, <br />claims, damages, penalty and expenses including, without <br />limitation, reasonable attorney's fees and expenses, imposed <br />upon or incurred by or asserted against Purchaser by reason <br />of (1) any accident, injury to or death of persons or loss <br />of or damage to the use of property occurring on or about <br />the Subject Property, (ii) any use, non -use or condition of <br />the Subject Property, or (11i) any work in connection with <br />alterations, repairs, changes, new construction or demoli- <br />tion of any part of the Subject Property, excepting any <br />liabilities, claims, damages, penalty and expenses arising <br />directly out of Seller's use and occupancy of the portion of <br />the Subject Property subject to the sign lease between the <br />parties hereto. <br />5. Maintenance and Repair. Purchaser shall at all <br />times maintain, preserve and keep the Subject Property and all <br />parts thereof in good condition. Purchaser shall not commit <br />waste of the Subject Property and will not do anything or permit <br />anything to be done that will impair the value of the Subject <br />Property. If Purchaser does not repair or maintain the Subject <br />Property in a manner consistent with the provisions of this <br />Paragraph 5, Seller may cause such maintenance to be accomplished <br />and may advance its own funds for such purpose and Purchaser <br />shall repay the same upon the Seller's written demand. <br />6. Encumbrances. Purchaser shall not mortgage, <br />pledge or otherwise encumber all or any part of the Subject <br />Property, except as otherwise provided herein, without the prior <br />written consent of Seller and agrees to refrain from encumbering <br />or affecting any Lien which adversely affects the right, title <br />and interest of Seller in and to the Subject Property. Subject <br />to the provisions of Paragraph 3, Seller shall have the right to <br />remove any encumbrance placed against the Subject Property or any <br />part thereof after the date hereof and Purchaser shall repay the <br />same upon Seller's written demand. <br />7. Improvements. Except as otherwise herein pro- <br />vided, Purchaser shall not erect any buildings, install any <br />26 <br />