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ROBERT P. LARSON <br />JEFFREY W. LAMBERT <br />KATHLEEN M. ROER <br />PATRICIA YOEDICKE <br />KAREN SANGER <br />Tex -Sota Construction, Inc. <br />P.O. Box 186 <br />Wayzata, Mn. 55391 <br />LARSON 8 LAMBERT <br />ATTORNEYS AT LAW <br />330 501 1111 BROADWAY <br />WAYZATA, MINNESOTA 55391 <br />May 10, 1982 <br />Re: That part of the West 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 7, <br />Township 29, Range 22, lying West of the Westerly line of the <br />Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie Railway right -of -way as <br />now established, and South of the Southerly line of State Highway <br />No. 36 as now established. <br />Gentlemen: <br />TELEPHONE <br />(6121 475- 3435 <br />At your request, we have examined record title to the above - described property <br />in Ramsey County, Minnesota, using for the purpose of that examination an Abstract of <br />Title containing 125 entries, last certified to by Title Insurance Company of Minnesota <br />- St. Paul Abstract & Title Division on the 21st day of April, 1982, at 8:00 a.m. <br />Assuming said Abstract and the appended certificates relating to taxes, judgments, <br />state and federal tax liens, and bankrutpcy proceedings to be true and correct, it is our <br />opinion that on the date last mentioned, the fee title to said real estate was vested in <br />NAEGELE, INC., a Delaware corporation. <br />The title, however, is subject to the following: <br />1. An Agreement to Extend and Modify Mortgage and Mortgage Note dated <br />December 28, 1977, to First National Bank of St. Paul, filed February 24, 1978 as <br />Document No. 1995254, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. This <br />Agreement subjects the above - referenced property to the lien of a Mortgage in the <br />amount of $900,000.00, originally executed December 31, 1973. This Mortgage is also <br />secured by other property. The mortgagors are Naegele Outdoor Advertising Company <br />of the Twin Cities, Inc. and Naegele Properties, Inc. A release of the above- described <br />property from the lien of said Mortgage should be provided at closing. <br />2. An Easement for highway purposes over all that part of the above <br />described property lying northwesterly of a line run parallel with a distant 175 feet <br />southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of <br />said Section 7, distant 508.2 feet North of the Southwest corner thereof; thence run <br />Easterly at an angle of 89 °42' with said West section line (when measured from North to <br />East) for 1,250.4 feet; thence deflect to the left at an angle of 21 °49' f2r 2,000 feet and <br />there terminating; containing 3.00 acres, more or less; together with all right of access, <br />being the right ingress to and egress from the above described tract to Trunk Highway <br />No. 36, together with the right to erect temporary snow fences upon the lands herein <br />1 "3 <br />