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Tex -Sota Construction, Inc. <br />May 10, 1982 <br />page two <br />described and upon the lands adjacent thereto; to take the right of access to Trunk <br />Highway No. 36 from the owners whose lands front thereon; and to take all trees, <br />shrubs, grass, and herbage within the right -of -way of the Trunk Highway herein <br />acquired, and to keep and have the exclusive control of same; as described in Final <br />Certificate in Condemnation Proceedings, District Court, Second Judicial District, <br />dated October 3, 1963, and filed November 26, 1963, in Book 1878, page 1, as File No. <br />1605685. The exact location of the line described in this paragraph cannot be <br />ascertained without a survey. <br />3. Real estate taxes for 1981 and prior years are paid; taxes for 1982 in the <br />amount of $2,599.34 (base tax $1,594.70) are unpaid and are assessed in Naegle Inc. as <br />nonhomestead, parcel 010/81, location 53- 00700. <br />A special assessment search provided with the Abstract shows special assess- <br />ments certified to the taxes; a copy thereof is enclosed herewith as Exhibit B. As this <br />search does not show assessments not certified to the Ramsey County Auditor on land <br />outside the City of St. Paul, a special assessment search should be obtained from the <br />City of Little Canada for your information. <br />The searches appended to the Abstract certify that there are no unsatisfied <br />judgments, no undischarged state or federal tax liens; or bankruptcy proceedings <br />appearing of record against the owner. <br />There are certain matters which we cannot certify to, about which the purchaser <br />of real property should always make an inquiry. Some of these may be indicated by <br />inspection of the premises. Attached hereto as Exhibit C is our standard list of <br />exceptions to this title opinion. <br />KMR:tri <br />enc. <br />cc: Peter Kitchak <br />Very truly. yours, <br />LARSON & LAMBERT <br />Kathleen M. Roer <br />36 <br />