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Little Canada Planning Commission, Mayor <br />and City Council <br />2 August 1982 <br />Also in terms of semi- trucks, the loading areas appear to be <br />quite small, particularly the one at the southeast corner of <br />the building. It appears that if one of the loading spaces were <br />occupied, a second truck could only back in from the street, <br />which is specifically prohibited by the Ordinance. It is therefore <br />recommended that the City Engineer review and comment as to the <br />acceptability of the loading space provided. If necessary, the <br />loading area should be increased in size to eliminate the need <br />for maneuvering trucks from the street. <br />2. Subdivision. As you may recall, the City previously approved a <br />subdivision for the property in question in which four lots were <br />requested (see our staff report, Yorkton Industrial Park - <br />Tracts E, F, G and H, dated 25 March 1981). Prior to having that <br />division recorded, the developer (Larry Lee) decided to combine <br />two of those lots for sale to Metaltronics. While this is not <br />considered a problem in itself, the new subdivision should be <br />recorded with the Country prior to issuance of a building permit <br />by the City. <br />When the previous subdivision was approved, it was recommended that <br />the small triangle of land south of Buck Blacktop should be legally <br />combined with the Buck property so as not to leave a landlocked <br />parcel of land. While Mr. Lee has informed us that the property <br />has been conveyed, it should be demonstrated that the triangle <br />has been legally combined with the Buck property. <br />3. Yorkton Industrial Boulevard. As previously recommended, the street <br />should be finished and terminated in a cul -de -sac. Since the <br />street will ultimately be extended, a temporary cul -de -sac could <br />be acceptable. <br />4. Landscaping. The south end of the property is the dividing line <br />between the I -1 and R -1 zoning districts. As mentioned in our <br />25 March 1981 staff report, landscaping should be provided between <br />the districts. It was our understanding that this was to occur <br />prior to further development. <br />5. Site Gradin .a. A steep bank currently exists near the western edge <br />of the site. Mr. Lee has informed us that this will be graded so <br />as to blend the site with the property south of Buck Blacktop. <br />The City Engineer should review and comment as to proposed site <br />grading as well as drainage. <br />1.. 3 <br />