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nutcs of August 4, 1:t2 Fagc Four <br />"^on building by thc la`keshcr< at their last meeting, so perhaps <br />Hammonds should seek ouiithe city ,first. Mr. Hammond does plan <br />// to make an application soon for filling the two lots. Pres. <br />Lakc said we would probably require no net fill within the <br />floodplain. It•was noted there arc other projects in the area <br />that might offer compensating filling within the same watershed <br />on the same lake. Nr. Aichinger said we might be able to work <br />out a joint application with Little Canada. <br />At the McDonald's project off Century by Minnehaha, we originally McDonald's <br />required a certain number of acre feet of storm water storage. <br />They are now not putting, in as large a permanent pool as the <br />original plans, but this does of affect the storage capacity. <br />The pool was to be for aesthetics. <br />• <br />Mgr. Wallgren asked about the Pilatech non — compliance. Mr. Pilatcch <br />Marshall checked, and we cannot go ahead and make improvements Permit 172 <br />and assess it back to the property. We can ask the court to <br />order restoration. ICgr. Drake said Mr. Klein should check the <br />property to see ff we should pursue this. Pres. Lake said WE <br />should look at it ‘p see if it is justifiable and then have <br />Mr. Marshall draw up' papers to put it through the court, recognizing <br />we may fail. Mulching has not been done, and there is mostly <br />wind erosion. <br />Pres. Lake moved that the Board authorize the staff to seek •Motion <br />legal action to compel compliance or erosion control on Permit <br />#172. Mgr. Iverson seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br />There is apparently non—compliance on sections 2 -4 -8 on the <br />Afton Hills project, permit #180. Mr. Klein cannot reach the <br />owner'and said we should seek a temporary restraining order. <br />Pres. Lake moved the Board authorize Mr. Marshall to seek to Motion <br />compel compliance by legal action against the developer of the <br />Afton Hills project, permit #180. Mgr. Wallgren seconded the <br />motion. Motion passed. <br />Mr. Narshall received an order from the Water Resources Board Appeals <br />dismissing the I''.nDot and Hartman appeals. The District Court <br />granted what we requested on the Dieterich appeal in that they <br />did not post bond. We arc in good shape on the other appeals. <br />The 3 District Court appeals have not had a date set yet for <br />trail. All the easements are on hand and recorded except for <br />Wayzata Bay Company which will be recorded shortly, and Al <br />Porter as he needs a document. Easements will not be accepted <br />unless we have an owners certificate, and !Cr. Porter cannot find <br />his certificate. We can petition the District Court to allow <br />the recording, or p€tition the District Court for a new certificate. <br />The certificate would then be turned over to Mr. Porter. The <br />Tanagers felt we should ask rr. Porter to help pay for this. <br />Mgr. Wallgren moved the Board direct Mr. Marshall to proceed to Motion <br />procure a new owners duplicate on the Porter property. Mgr. <br />Drake seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br />Regarding thc sales tax on materials purchased by Centennial, <br />the District did not procure them, and the contractor is not <br />tax exempt. This needs further legal study, as the contractor <br />is an agent of the "istrict. <br />Afton Hill; <br />Permit 180 <br />33 <br />Sales Tax <br />