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/ <br />dnutcs cf August 4, 1"82 Page Three <br />'The County has been sending a financial report, and Mr4.Aichinger Esparta <br />/ has been sending copies to the Managers so that they can see how <br />j that is going. There will be a governing committee meeting on <br />Monday August (' at 4:30 p.m. <br />Tim Sullivan, attorney for Mr. Hammond, as well as Mr. Hammond Hammond- <br />and Bruce Folz, spoke of the problems with the permit. Mr. Reid <br />Hammond bought 5.35 acres many years ago. One acre was sold Permit 135 <br />son, Tom Reid. Under the advice of the DrR and other <br />officials at the time, his plans were thought to be of benefit <br />to the community with the lagoon. Plans were for the area to be <br />a "family compound" and he has spent a lot of money to do this. <br />He has always asked the authorities prior to acting. Now the <br />land seems to be worthless unless he can complete the work as <br />originally planned years earlier. Mgr. Drake said when we deal <br />with an application, we do it directly with the applicant rather <br />than through the city, and that we have had a hard time. dealing <br />with Carley and getting a straight answer if we can get `an answer <br />at all. We have had trouble getting numbers from the City <br />Engineer as to the amount of fill taken out as specified in Mr. <br />Hammond's permit. Originally,' a fill permit was granted for <br />filling the 5.35 acres, excavating the lagoon (which was Mr. <br />Hammond's idea). Mr. Klein said the amount excavated was not what <br />was shown in the plans or the ditch would have been more defined <br />and :filled with water. We need engineering type of information. <br />Mgr. Drake said Permit 'x'135 is still in violation because we still <br />have not received the figures. We need to verify the amounts. <br />Mr. Aichinger said the responsibility for the permit is Hammonds. <br />The city has to supply information to show what they did. Mr. <br />Hammond should bug the city to get us this information, or supply <br />the information through an engineer. Mr. Folz said this would <br />cost Mr. Hammond a lot of money. Mr. Sullivan said the permit <br />was from 30 years ago and they have been responding to us the best <br />they can, and at this time perhaps the money should be spent in <br />court. He ques=tioned whether the yardage has that much of an impact, <br />and there are other features to be looked at. He advocated calling <br />it quits because of the cost. Mgr. Wallgren said we have a respon- <br />sibility to see that the permit is complied with. Mr. Sullivan <br />said others have filled without bothering to get a permit, and the <br />watershed does not have a floodplain ordinance so it would be a <br />matter for the courts. Mr. Hammond said the original permit was <br />with the DNR, and they had a verbal permit from the city, all <br />given years ago. Mgr. Drake said he would talk to the city and <br />also Mr. Folz should talk to them, and maybe we could get some <br />information from them. At this point we do not have any information <br />to know if the permit is or is not in violation. Mgr. Drake will <br />contact them in behalf of the Board. Mr. Folz said all other <br />agencies waived permits and we are the only ones requiring one. <br />It was asked what would happen to the "mud flats ", and Mr. Hammond <br />has asked the city to rectify it as he is getting complaints from <br />his neighbors. The calls to the city will be before the council <br />meeting Augu td 12. Mr. Klein andhar.bFonztwill go <br />ut to the site <br />and give a good <br />the new proposal, the initial application was for the Hammondl <br />filling of 2 lots, one of which (the one on the west of the <br />ditch) was denied. Mgr. Drake said he had read the Little <br />Canada minutes recently, and they seem to reflect a moratorium <br />:32 <br />