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PLANNING COMMISSION <br />CITY OF LITTLE CANADA <br />515 LITTLE CANADA ROAD <br />LITTLE CANAOA, MINN. 55114 <br />Minutes of the Regular Meeting <br />Planning Commission <br />May 6, 1982 <br />The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Little Canada <br />was held on the 6th day of May, 1982 at 7:30 p.m., at 515 Little Canada Rd. <br />in said City. <br />The following member were present: Tom Ducharme, Gene DeLonais, Pete Costa, <br />Myers Frattalone, Sharon Timmons, & LeRoy LeMay. Joe Vitale arrived at 8:30. <br />Members absent: Jim Steele, Roy French. <br />Also present, Brad Nielsen, Northwest Consultants. <br />Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. <br />GERVAIS CREEK Tom Krejci (owner of the building,Old Little Canada School <br />PROFESSION BLDG. appeared. He has developed a plan to "clean -up the exterior, & <br />renovate the interior. The plans include adding a 2nd story to <br />the newer part of the building. The cost of rehabilitation, etc., <br />necessitated bringing in a partner, hence the need to request <br />a PUD for the property. The new partner will own the front part <br />(newer)of the building. He is therefore requesting PUD subdivision. <br />Joe Brinkman is the interested possible partner. He would <br />develope the building into professional office space. <br />Brad Nielsen discussed the fact that granting a PUD and the <br />possibility of allowing a rental hall are 2 separate issues. <br />Tom Krejci stated that he is interested in pursuing the PUD <br />regardless of the feasibility of a rental hall. The park <br />dedication issue should be referred to the Park Commission for <br />their recommendation to the City Council. Tom Krejci stated that, <br />if the land were appraised, in regard to the amount of the park <br />dedication fee he might be interested in use of the tennis courts <br />by the City. The arrangement last year was that the city is <br />maintaining the tennis court area and Jim Morelan has indicated <br />to Tom Krejci that the same arrangement will take place this year. <br />Ray Hanson appeared and pointed out that the issue on the tennis <br />court was discussed at the Council meeting and he personally felt <br />that the City is now getting a tax base off a property that was <br />formally tax exempt as a school. He further stated that the Park <br />Commission will be making a recommendation to the council. Gene <br />DeLonais stated he appreciated Mr. Hanson appearing before the <br />Commission and appreciated that the Council appeared to be more <br />willing to work with the local business. <br />Mr. DeLonais made a motion to recommend approval of the CUP for <br />PUD to Mr. Tom Krejci. <br />2nd by Tom Ducharme. <br />Motion carried 6 -0. <br />`? 05 <br />