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Minutes. con't. <br />May 6, 1982 <br />Page 2 <br />FLAMBURGER & <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />CITY OF LITTLE CANADA <br />515 LITTLE CANADA ROAD <br />LITTLE CANADA. MINN. 55117 <br />DURAY Bob Matson - Flamburger, and Tom Duray- Hoggsbreath appeared <br />requesting a property division & CUP for a parking lot expansion. <br />Mr. Matson stated that the Flamburger is waiting to build until the <br />water goes in on Rice St. Water will be going in on Rice St. when <br />they widen the highway. Mr. Matson would like to sell the western <br />portion of the property they own/ together with the driveway onto <br />Demont to Mr. Luray. The Flamburger would then be given an <br />easement over Mr. Durays land for access to the Flamburger from <br />Demont. Brad Nielsen stated he thought it was an acceptable plan. <br />Motion made to recommend approval of lot split for Flamburger made <br />by Sharon Timmons. <br />2nd by Gene DeLonais. <br />Motion carried 5 -1 (Mr. LeMay -no) <br />JESPERSEN PLAT <br />Motion made to recommend approval of revision of CUP for Hoggsbreath <br />parking by Sharon Timmons. <br />2nd by Myers Frattalone. <br />Motion carried 5 -1 (Mr. LeMay -no) <br />(Mr. LeMay stateAthat he was not in favor of allowing parking <br />on that spot for Hoggsbreath in the beginning and he was still <br />opposed to parking of any kind on the property by Hoggsbreath.) <br />Morris Jespersen, 643 LaBore RD. appeared requesting approval for <br />the "Jespersen Estates Preliminary Plat ". He currently owns 3 <br />properties and this subdivision involves all 3 properties. He <br />stated that there will be a slight change in the legal description <br />to correct the small triangle of land that his home is on, which <br />encroaches on proposed Lot 8. He is also in favor of defining the <br />out lot as recommended by the City Planner. Mr. Jespersen said he <br />did not see a need to create a pedestrian easement through the <br />newly created block. Mr. Nielsen stated that a pedestrian easement <br />is so pedestrians can have easier access to surrounding streets. He <br />did not feel it was critical in this case. Mr. Jespersen stated <br />that there are now 31 homes in the area & he did not feel there was <br />any need for Ramsey County Soil Conservation Service to be concerned_ <br />Mr. Nielsen stated that it was an area with a high water table. <br />Mr. Jespersen stated that fill was necessary only to bring lots <br />up to road level for necessary surface drainage to the road. <br />Mr. DeLonais made a motion to recommend approval of Jespersen Estate <br />preliminary plat subject to Planners recommendation except for the <br />pedestrian easement, which the Planning Commission did not feel was <br />necessary. <br />2nd by Joe Vitale. <br />Motion carried 7 -0. <br />l�i.i 06 <br />