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PLANNING COMMISSION <br />CITY OF LITTLE CANADA <br />515 LITTLE CANADA ROAD <br />LITTLE CANADA, MINN. 55117 <br />Minutes con't. <br />May 6, 1982 <br />Page 4 <br />TEXT AMMENDMENT- Zoning Ordinance regarding permit for rental hall in R -B area. <br />Joe Brinkman, future prospective purchaser of 2 story building <br />which Tom Krejci owns, appeared stating he would leave upstairs <br />as offices & renovate it to make it more energy efficient, etc. <br />He would want to use the lower level for a rental hall. He feels <br />that they can accommodate parking needs by using parking which <br />all ready exists & proposed parking which will be added to Krejci's <br />building. Brad Nielsen stated that the occupancy code calls for <br />1 occupant per 7 sq. ft. of floor area. According to code it would <br />require 86 parking spaces for the hall. Tom Krejci stated that he <br />thought the maximuh load in that building would be 200 occupants. <br />71 spaces would be needed if the entire Old Little Canada School <br />building were used for office spaces. If the downstairs were used <br />for rental hall, there would be a need for 52 spaces for upstairs <br />offices. Parking for rental hall should be 86 spaces. Sharon <br />Timmons stated that she was opposed to a-:rental hall in that area. <br />She felt that the area was a transitional area along that part of <br />Little Canada Rd. Nr. Hanson stated that he felt that maybe the <br />owners could not find clients willing to rent, with such limited <br />parking available. <br />Art Trevio, caterer, appeared and stated that he did not feel there <br />would be a problem with parking because the hours of wedding receptions <br />etc., would not clash with hours of other activities in the area. <br />Mr. Costa felt that it would be a real hardship to the Fire Dept. to <br />lose the public parking on the street. <br />Mr. LeMay stated that he felt the city may have a need for a rental <br />hall, but not on that site. <br />Mr. Krejci stated that he felt it was a natural for the building to <br />be used as a rental hall. Mr. LeMay asked Mr. Brinkman how he <br />would control the number of cars parked in the area. <br />Mr. Vitale asked Mr. Brinkman if plans were made to bring the lower <br />level up to code.for a rental hall. Mr. Brinkman stated that he <br />would bring everything up to code for a rental hall. Mr. Vitale <br />asked if there would be a problem with liquor being served close <br />to school property. Brad Nielsen stated they were 450 ft. from <br />St. John's Church & school, & approximately 1000 ft. from Little <br />Canada Elementary school. Brad said he was not sure how a liquor <br />use in the rental hall falls into Little Canada's liquor use <br />ordinance. <br />Mr. Nielsen suggested that maybe the thing to do in regard to a <br />recommendation to City Council is to give a second alternative if <br />the recommendation is negative to the rental hall. <br />Mr. Costa stated that there was already a real problem with parking <br />for the Fire Department. <br />(Mr. Fratallone left at 10:00) <br />Gene DeLonais made a motion to recommend to City Council to <br />amend Sec. 909.040 of the Little Canada Zoning Code Ordinance to <br />include rental halls as a conditional use permit within the R -B. <br />Motion dead for lack of a 2nd. <br />V() 08 <br />