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PLANNING COMMISSION <br />CITY OF LITTLE CANADA <br />515 LITTLE CANADA ROAD <br />LITTLE CANADA. MINN. 55117 <br />Minutes con't. <br />May 6, 1982 <br />Page 3 <br />KROISS Tabled, no one present. <br />R & S Tabled, no one present. <br />A & W SIGN Marie Haglund, owner of land leased to A & W requesting <br />RELOCATION information on where they can place the sign due to the <br />VARIANCE widening of Rice St. They are being told to move their signs. <br />Brad stated that according to the Right of Way Acquistion Dept. <br />of the Highway Dept. the owners have to have signs moved by <br />the 28th of June. Ms. Haglund was told they had to have the <br />signs removed by May 24. Mr. Hanson stated that it was brought <br />to the attention of the Council months ago and he felt the <br />Council should have leniency in dealing with the business owners <br />because it is not their fault that the highway is being widened. <br />Gene DeLonais made a motion to recommend approval of sign variance <br />to within 5' of side yard and 5' from front yard for A & W <br />Root Beer site. <br />2nd by Tom Ducharme. <br />Motion carried 7 -0. <br />TACO JOHNS <br />Gene DeLonais made a motion to recommend to the City Council that the <br />sign ordinance be changed to read 5' from front yard and 5' from <br />side yard, and that variance proceedures be waived for all signs <br />to be relocated on Rice St. <br />2nd by Tom Ducharme. <br />Motion carried 7 -0. <br />Dave Olsen appeared from Taco John's asking when he could legally <br />relocate his sign. Mr. Hanson stated that he would like to see the <br />City Council be able to act on the sign relocation matter at the <br />next meeting. Mr. Nelsen felt the Council could grant the variance <br />based on a hardship (the highway being widened). He also felt that <br />those business which currently have 2 signs on Rice St., should be <br />allowed to only have 1 sign on Rice St. Dave Olsen presented his <br />plat plan which shows relocation of his existing sign to a spot <br />on the S. W. corner of his property to 5' from both the front & side <br />of property lines. He was told he had to move his sign by May 20. <br />Brad Nielsen stated that a Mr. Bechenbach at 296 -1136 was the person <br />who said the owners had until June 28th to move the signs. <br />Mr. DeLonais made a motion to recommend approval of variance for <br />sign relocation as presented by Mr. Olsen. <br />2nd by Joe Vitale. <br />Motion carried 7 -0. <br />07 <br />