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Minutes <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />LITTLE CANADA, MINNESOTA <br />February 9, 1989 <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting <br />of the Planning Commission of the City of Little Canada, <br />Minnesota, was held on the 9th day of February, 1989 in the <br />Council Chambers of the City Center, located at 515 Little <br />Canada Road, in said City. <br />Chairman Eugene DeLonais called the meeting to order at <br />7:30 P.M. and the following members of the Commission were <br />present at roll Call: <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: <br />Eugene DeLonais <br />Art Herkenhoff <br />Bill Davison <br />Robert Pedersen <br />David Bendel <br />ALSO PRESENT: Stephen Grittman, City Planner <br />Joe Chlebeck, City Clerk /Treasurer <br />D. Catterton, Recording Secretary <br />There being no corrections to the minutes of the January <br />12, 1989 Commission meeting, the minutes will stand <br />approved as read. <br />Salak Mr. Richard Salak appeared before the Commission regarding <br />Property his property division at 3120 Labore Road. The property <br />Division is R -1 Single family lots. A survey was submitted. <br />Upon motion by Herkenhoff, seconded by Davison, the <br />Commission approved the subdivision of Mr. Salak's property <br />into lots, contingent upon the following: <br />1 - A grading and drainage plan be submitted to the <br />City Engineer for review and approval prior to <br />any final City action on this request, <br />2 - Drainage and utility easements be provided around <br />all lot lines, <br />3 - Contribution to the park fund be made if deemed <br />necessary by the Little Canada Parks Commission. <br />Ayes 5, Nays 0. <br />Motion adopted. <br />Paimen Mr. Ronald Palmen appeared before the Commission regarding <br />Final Plat approval of his final plat known as the Little Canada Mid <br />Mid Oaks Oaks Addition. The site in question is zoned R -1 Single <br />Addition Family. <br />Page 1 <br />