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riuI5-= 1 -t9RI t-:24 FPM ;UIEEIIEF <br />gI 1PEP <br />Ti <br />LITTLE CN IHDri <br />F'. in 12 <br />sanitary condition. All garbage and rubbish accumulating <br />between the times of collection shall be placed in containers as <br />described in this Chapter. <br />809.050. Transporting of Materials._ No person, except a <br />municipal garbage, recycling, and rubbish collector, or a <br />garbage, recycling, and rubbish collector properly licensed as <br />provided herein, shall transport garbage, recyclable materials, <br />or other rubbish on any street or alley in the City. <br />All garbage, recyclable materials, and rubbish shall be <br />transported on the streets and alleys in the City only in <br />vehicles with leak -proof bodies of easily cleanable construction <br />and completely covered with metal or heavy canvas. Vehicles <br />shall be so operated that contents do not spill or drip on to <br />the streets or alleys or otherwise create a nuisance. All <br />equipment used for transporting garbage, recyclable materials, <br />and rubbish shall be subject to the approval of the <br />Superintendent of Public Works. <br />809.050. Promulgation of Rules and Reg'dlaations. The City <br />Council may make such administrative regulations and rules as <br />may be necessary and proper to regulate, enforce and implement <br />the provisions of this Chapter. <br />809.060. Containers - Specifications. <br />(A) Every property owner or occupant or any place of <br />business that accumulates garbage or rubbish shall provide one <br />or more rust resistant, watertight, nonabsorbent and easily <br />washable containers, which are equipped with a bail or handle <br />and covered with closefitting lid. Containers shall have a <br />capacity of not less than ten (10) nor more than thirty -two (32) <br />gallons and shall be of sufficient number to store all garbage <br />and other rubbish accumulating between collections. Places of <br />business having accumulations in excess of three (3) thirty -two <br />(32) gallon containers per week shall provide vats for storage. <br />Vats shall be no less than one cubic yard capacity, designed <br />with proper attachments for lifting into collection vehicles. <br />(B) Every property owner and occupant of any dwelling <br />unit, and any unit of a duplex, including mobile homes, town <br />houses, and apartment buildings, shall provide a sufficient <br />number of containers, as described above, which do not exceed <br />thirty -two (32) gallons capacity. Owners and occupants of <br />dwelling units and duplexes, including mobile homes, town <br />houses, and apartment buildings, may also use plastic bags to <br />store garbage. <br />(C) All containers shall be washed and treated with <br />disinfectant as often as necessary to prevent a nuisance. Any <br />containers which do not meet with the above requirements may be <br />Page 36 <br />