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OLI[, 1 -L9 r3 16 :EE FFUPI SHED BURET' <br />10 L. TTLE COI lolti <br />P. L. 12 <br />used for the storage of garbage and -rubbish only with the <br />approval of the Superintendent of public Works. <br />809.070. Containers- Location. <br />town houses residential <br />containerssforogarbage, <br />rubbish, recyclable materials, leaves and lawn clippings shall <br />be placed on the curb. On the designated pick -up day, bulky <br />items shall be placed on the curb. <br />(0) At commercial and industrial establishments, every <br />property owner, occupant or owner shall place containers used <br />for the storage of garbage, recyclables, and rubbish at or near <br />the back door of the building using the same, or at the rear of <br />accessible ttox garbage, lrecycling, and urubbish acollectors lateall <br />reasonable times. <br />809.080. Collection Required. Every property owner or <br />occupant of a place of business, including mobile homes, town <br />houses, and apartment buildings, that accumulates garbage, <br />recyclable materials, and rubbish shall provide for lawful <br />collection thereof at such person's own expense at least once a <br />week or at such other times as the health officer may determine <br />necessary to protect the health and safety of the residents of <br />the City. <br />809.090. Service Charge - Residential Dwelling Unit. <br />unit and There hereby <br />each unit ofaupie duplex within each residential <br />theCity, from which <br />garbage, recyclable materials, or rubbish is collected or may be <br />collected by the City or its representative, a monthly charge <br />for such services, which charge shall be billed quarterly in <br />accordance with schedules established from time to time by <br />resolution of the City Council. <br />twenty- five therlastsday within <br />there shall be a late charge of ten 10� billing quarter, <br />owing for the previous ( ) percent of the amount <br />If such quarter added to the quarterly charge. <br />quarterly charge plus penalty is not paid within ninety <br />(90) days after the last day of the billing quarter, there shall <br />be a late charge of Thirty -Five Dollars ($35.00) added to the <br />unpaid amount. The City Council may certify to the County <br />Auditor with the taxes against the property served the amount <br />unpaid, which shall be collected as other taxes are collected. <br />809.100. Unauthorized Collection of_Recyclable Materials. <br />(A) The materials designated as recyclable materials shall <br />Page 37 <br />