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(2) Special conditions and circumstances may not be <br />primarily economic in nature. <br />b. Literal interpretation of the provisions of this Ordinance <br />would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by <br />other properties in the same district under the terms of <br />this Ordinance. <br />c. The special conditions and circumstances do not result from <br />the actions of the applicant. <br />d. Granting the variance requested will not confer on the <br />applicant any special privilege that is denied by this <br />Ordinance to other lands, structures, or buildings in the <br />same district. <br />e. A genuine hardship exists in complying with the literal <br />terms of this Ordinance. <br />Based on review of the site's configuration and physical <br />surroundings, it appears special conditions do exist which are <br />peculiar to the site and warrant the granting of the requested <br />variance. <br />As shown on the submitted site plan, the subject property is <br />trapezoidal in shape. As such, a typical 30 foot rear yard <br />setback, as required per Ordinance standards, would severely <br />limit the site's buildable area and subsequently, present a <br />hardship to the applicant. <br />It appears the residence floor plan has responded well to the <br />inherent natural features of the area via its southerly <br />orientation toward an existing wetland. <br />It should be noted that the residence's most severe setback <br />infringement lies in its outdoor deck and not in its periphery <br />walls. Therefore, the aesthetic impact of the requested variance <br />is minimized. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Review of the applicants setback variance request finds that <br />special conditions do exist which are peculiar to the subject <br />site and therefore, warrant the allowance of a 10 foot rear yard <br />setback. As such, our office recommends approval of the variance <br />request. <br />cc: <br />John Palacio <br />Don Carley <br />Tom Sweeney <br />Kathy Glanzer <br />Ely and Yvonne Arcilla <br />Page 39 <br />