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09-25-1991 Council Agenda
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09-25-1991 Council Agenda
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Subd. 5a. Speed zoning in school zones. Local <br />authorities may establish a school speed limit within a school <br />zone of a public or nonpublic school upon the basis of an <br />engineering and traffic investigation as prescribed by the <br />commissioner of transportation. The establishment of a school <br />speed limit on any trunk highway shall be with the consent of <br />the commissioner of transportation. Such school speed limits <br />shall be in effect when children are present, going to or <br />leaving school during opening or closing hours or during school <br />recess periods. The school speed Limit shall not be lower than <br />15 miles per hour and shall not be more than 20 miles per hour <br />below the established speed limit on an affected street or <br />highway if the established speed limit is 40 miles per hour or <br />greater. <br />The school speed limit shall be effective upon the <br />erection of appropriate signs designating the speed and <br />indicating the beginning and end of the reduced speed zone. Any <br />speed in excess of such posted school speed limit is unlawful. <br />All such signs shall be erected by the local authorities on <br />those streets and highways under their respective jurisdictions <br />and by the commissioner of transportation on trunk highways. <br />For the purpose of this subdivision, "school zone" means <br />that section of a street or highway which abuts the grounds of a <br />school where children have access to the street or highway from <br />the school property or where an established school crossing is <br />located provided the school advance sign prescribed by the <br />manual on uniform traffic control devices adopted by the <br />commissioner of transportation pursuant to section 169.06 is in <br />place. All signs erected by local authorities to designate <br />speed limits in school zones shall conform to the manual on <br />uniform control devices. <br />Subd. 5b. Segments in urban districts. When any <br />segment of at least a quarter -mile in distance of any city <br />street, municipal state aid street or town road on which a speed <br />limit in excess of 30 miles per hour has been established <br />pursuant to an engineering and traffic investigation by the <br />commissioner meets the definition of "urban district" as defined <br />in section 169.01, subdivision 59, the governing body of the <br />city or town may by resolution declare the segment to be an <br />urban district and may establish on the segment the speed limit <br />for urban districts prescribed in subdivision 2. The speed <br />limit so established shall be effective upon the erection of <br />appropriate signs designating the speed and indicating the <br />beginning and end of the segment on which the speed limit is <br />established, and any speed in excess of such posted limits shall <br />be unlawful. A copy of the resolution shall be transmitted to <br />the commissioner at least ten days prior to the erection of the <br />signs. <br />Subd. 5c. Speed zoning in alleyways. Local <br />authorities may regulate speed Limits for alleyways as defined <br />Page 70 <br />241 <br />
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