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12-20-1995 Council Agenda
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12-20-1995 Council Agenda
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DNR Forestry <br />Fax :612- 772 -7599 Dec 15 '95 9 :26 <br />STATE OF <br />UVIJVESCUA. <br />DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES <br />PHONE NO. <br />P.02/03 <br />Kathy Glanzer <br />515 E. Little Canada Rd. <br />Little Canada Mn. 55117 <br />FILE NO <br />December 15, 1995 <br />near Kathy, <br />The other day I went to look at the landclearing site <br />Fratalone is working. <br />The objective was to see if there were trees that had <br />down that had usable sawlogs in them. There were two <br />pile near the road had very little usable material. <br />the back of the property had about 50 usable logs. <br />where Frank <br />been pushed <br />piles. The <br />The pile at <br />There really is no justification to burn the logs that can be cut <br />from the tree trunks on most of these trees. A land clearer when <br />they have trees like this, which were mostly Cottonwood with some <br />Ash, Elm, Maple, and Boxelder should cut out and stack the logs. <br />They will be able to sell them. Several mills are always looking <br />for this material. <br />Actually most of the smaller diameter wood can be used for firewood <br />by homeowners. Contrary to popular belief the species I mentioned <br />make acceptable firewood for the home fireplace. If the developer <br />would advertise in the local newspapers it may be surprising how <br />much interest there would be by homeowners for firewood. <br />I contacted Frank and he was very willing to give the wood away and <br />did not realize that the tree trunks were usable. I explained that <br />if he would cut the tree trunks into logs and stack them up he <br />could sell the logs to a sawmill. He was not willing to do that. <br />I called a sawmill that uses this type of material and they were <br />very interested in the logs. I gave the sawmill owner Franks phone <br />number and hopefully they will be able to work out the details on <br />removing the logs from the pile of wood. If this agreement does <br />not work out I have other mills that we could contact. <br />I recommend that we not give a burning permit until at least the <br />logs are cut from the trees that are to be burned. Hopefully we <br />can give the process of arranging the removal of the usable wood <br />some time to work. <br />Enclosed are some specifications for sawlogs that can be applied to <br />all species and that most sawmills would be interested in. <br />Sincere% 0 r/ <br />PtCflip Vieth n <br />Utilization and Marketing <br />CC: L. Baker <br />Forester <br />AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY <br />Page 47 <br />rt <br />v <br />r N <br />g <br />li <br />z <br />
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