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COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 9,1995 <br />Mr. Schumacher asked how this project would be financed. Mr. Asleson explained that <br />$15,000.00 would be taken from the Dedicated Park Funds, $15,000.00 would be taken <br />from the Parks and Recreation General Fund Budget and $15,000.00 would come from <br />come the Dedicated Park Funds on budgets approved by the City Council for the <br />development of internal trails. The neighborhoods decided that they wanted to spend their <br />appropriated Dedicated Park money for trails. <br />Mayor Reinert asked how long it will take to complete this work noting that the <br />construction season is ending. Mr. Asleson explained that the Park Board wanted the <br />work completed this fall. Mr. Ahrens noted that the contract is requiring that the work be <br />completed this fall. Asphalt plants usually start closing about mid-November. The <br />contractor will start working next week and the projects will be completed within a few <br />days. <br />Mayor Reinert asked how urgent is it that the project be completed this fall. If the City <br />waits until spring to rebid the project, will the prices be cheaper. Mr. Ahrens explained <br />that bids could be from 10% to 15% cheaper. A deadline is being pushed now, if the trails <br />are not paved this fall, what does this do to the budget. Mr. Asleson explained that the <br />wear course projects usually happen the latter part of August. This would mean that the <br />trails would remain unpaved for another season. The Park Board realizes that there may <br />be a reduction in what they wanted done, but wanted to proceed. <br />Mr. Schumacher said that staff does not like to postpone the work because it disturbs the <br />budget. Technically, the dollars for this project can be carried forward, however, staff <br />would like to keep the budget intact. <br />Council Member Elliott moved to adopt Resolution No. 95 - 133 Accepting the Bid for <br />Bituminous Trail Paving. There was no second to this motion and the motion failed. <br />Council Member Kuether said she was not opposed to putting in the trails but was <br />concerned. Council Member Elliott said that she felt that as long as the project was not <br />over the budget limit, if the Park Board feels strongly enough to make this <br />recommendation, the City Council should go forward. The Park Board is trying to fulfill <br />the desire of the residents which was one of the biggest issues pointed out during the <br />20/20 Vision sessions. <br />Mr. Schumacher asked Mr. Asleson if the gravel is in place for the trails that are to be <br />paved. Mr. Asleson said yes and if the gravel trails sit for another year, the gravel base <br />will have to be regraded. Then aesthetics becomes an issue. Mr. Asleson explained that <br />there is one trail that the developer has not completed. If the developer does not complete <br />his work, the City will do the work and charge the developer. <br />Council Member Neal asked if all the trails are snowplowed. Mr. Asleson explain that <br />the City plows only the transportation trails to the school which is about two and one-half <br />(2 1/2) miles. <br />PAGE 6 <br />