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OFF-STREET PARKING: There are a total of 41 parking spaces shown <br />on the site plan including one handicapped space. Additional <br />parking is planned for the future expansion to the north of the <br />building. The 41 spaces provided exceed the requirements of the <br />ordinance at this time and should be adequate to serve the site. <br />CIRCULATION AND ACCESS: One access drive is provided to serve this <br />site and the undeveloped property to the south. The drive is <br />proposed to be 40' in width and should adequate serve both parcels. <br />A Shared Driveway Agreement will be required as a condition of <br />approval for this site plan as is the standard practice for <br />development in the Apollo Business Park. <br />LOADING AND TRASH HANDLING: A refuse enclosure has been provided <br />on the south side of the building and will be screened from the <br />public right of way by a 6-8' high enclosure. <br />LIGHTING: The off street parking area must be illuminated so as to <br />reflect light away from the adjoining properties and street right <br />of way. <br />SIGNS: All signage will be required to meet the requirements of <br />the City Sign Ordinance. <br />UTILITIES, DRAINAGE AND GRADING: Plans for onsite grading, <br />drainage and utilities will be subject to review and approval by <br />the City Engineer. A 30' easement runs along the easterly property <br />line to carry drainage to an existing ponding area south of this <br />site. This area must be kept free of plantings, parking, and other <br />items that would prohibit the proper function of this drainage <br />easement as determined by the City Engineer. <br />The Planning and Zoning Board and EDAB have recommend approval of <br />the Site Plan Review and Minor Subdivision with the following <br />conditions: <br />1. Proper building permits be obtain prior to any <br />construction. <br />2. The applicant shall sign a development agreement and <br />post financial guarantees as specified by the City prior <br />to issuance of the building permit. The development <br />agreement shall include provisions for a shared driveway. <br />3. The City Engineer shall review and approve the <br />grading, utility and drainage plans. <br />4. Proper signs permits shall be obtained prior to <br />installation of any signage. <br />5. The City Forester shall review and approve the <br />landscape plan. <br />6. Roof top heating and ventilatinunits shall be <br />screened and/or blended with the desi n and coloring of <br />the building. <br />7. The parking area shall be constructed according to <br />City Standards including concrete curb, gutter bituminous <br />paving and handicapped spaces as required by the ADA <br />