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04-12-2012 Minutes
2012 Minutes
04-12-2012 Minutes
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Charter Commission
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Charter Commission meeting <br />April 12, 2012 <br />Page 2 <br />46 household. He stated that he was concerned about having to vote on all road construction and <br />47 that a guaranteed fee that is allocated entirely for roads might be a way to fund the necessary <br />48 repairs. <br />49 Appreciation Certificates <br />50 Certificates were presented to Harry Carlson for 12 years of service to the City as a <br />51 Commissioner and to Steve Minar for 4 years of service by Vice Chair Dahl. Chair Dahl donates <br />52 the plaques at no cost to the Charter budget. <br />53 <br />54 OPENING REMARKS — Chair Chris Lyden <br />55 <br />56 Commissioner Lyden indicated he wanted to offer some "rules of engagement" for the work of <br />57 the Commission. He noted that he has some hearing loss and asked commissioners to speak <br />58 loudly so he could hear them. His philosophy is that when things go right the credit goes to the <br />59 whole Commission and when things do not go wrong the resposibility will fall to the Chair. He <br />60 suggested that commissioners "check their ego at the door" and that for the privliege of serving <br />61 the citizens the proper attitude is humility. He asked that commissioners behave with respect <br />62 toward one -another and that we do not have the right to tell another commissioner that their <br />63 perspective is wrong. Each commissioner has the obligation to define his/her premise in the <br />64 most positive way possible in an effort to influence other commissioners. <br />65 As commissioners we should strive to uphold the highest standards of integrity. He believes it <br />66 might be helpful to have pictures as well as some biographical information on the web site so <br />67 that citizens can approach commissioners if they encounter us in public settings. <br />68 Meeting procedures — Chair Lyden asked that all comments be directed to the Chair and that all <br />69 side conversations be eliminated. He also wants to ensure that the Commission is following the <br />70 approved Roberts rules procedures when calling the question. <br />71 <br />72 <br />73 APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />74 <br />75 APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />76 <br />77 a) April 8, 2012 with corrections. These have been appproved previously. Commissioner <br />78 Trehus indicated he had some corrections. Vice Chair Dahl asked Commissioner Trehus to <br />79 submit his comments and corrections and they could be reviewed at the next meeting. <br />80 MOTION by Commissioner Trehus, seconded by Commissioner Sutherland to table review the <br />81 minutes at the next meeting of the Commission. <br />82 Motion passes with Commissioners Gunderson, Helgemoe, and Gunderson abstaining. <br />83 <br />84 b) January 12, 2012 minutes — these minutes were not distributed in the preparation packets <br />85 and thus were not available for review. <br />86 MOTION by Commissioner Trehus, seconded By Commissioner Turcotte to table the minutes <br />87 for review at the next meeting of the Commission. <br />88 Motion passes with Commissioner Sutherland abstaining. <br />89 <br />90 <br />2 <br />
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