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10-13-2011 Minutes
2011 Minutes
10-13-2011 Minutes
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Charter Commission
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Charter Commission <br />October 13, 2011 <br />Page 2 <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />Approval of Minutes — July 14, 2011 meeting <br />Chair Dahl stated the importance of capturing in the minutes comprehensive detail of conversations <br />with city officials or any members of City Council. She was of the opinion that the minutes as <br />submitted did not provide the necessary level of detail and provided the content she believed had been <br />omitted. <br />MOTION by Commissioner Sutherland, seconded by Commissioner Sutherland to table the July 14, <br />2011 minutes until they can be corrected to reflect more details of the conversation with the City <br />Clerk. Motion passes unanimously. <br />Charter Amendments submitted to City Council <br />Commissioner Trehus recounted the results of the City council meeting of September 12, 2011 where <br />the Council considered the two amendments that had been submitted to them for review and adoption. <br />Those were Amendments to Chapter 1, sections 1.04 and 1.05 and Chapter 7 section 7.13, the proposal <br />for a tax cap. He indicated the Council did not vote on either one and the net affect is that there will be <br />no adoption this year. In spite of opinions of experts retained by the Council he believes that the <br />language is acceptable as prepared. Commissioner Sutherland offered a recommendation that the <br />Commission's attorney be asked to review the comments from the City attorneys to see if she would <br />make any changes to the language. <br />Commissioner Minar arrives at 7:40. <br />MOTION by Commissioner Sutherland, seconded by Commissioner Zastrow that the Commission's <br />attorney Karen Marty be asked to review the comments from the City attorney in 2012 for potential <br />revisions to the language. Motion passes unanimously. <br />Commissioner Penn asked if Ms. Marty would have foreseen the reaction from the City attorney. <br />Commissioner Trehus indicated that Ms. Marty's language was adequate. Commissioner Dahl stated <br />that the City's attorneys are working for the Council and not for the Charter and that it might be <br />advisable to have the Commission's attorney review the language. <br />Commissioner Storberg questioned the need for a review by the Commission's attorney. Chair Dahl <br />stated that it would be beneficial to ensure the language was a tight as possible before being placed on <br />the ballot in 2012. <br />Chair Dahl also indicated that she had been contacted by a City Clerk from another city which could <br />not be named asking to be provided with the tax cap language drafted by the Charter Commission. <br />At this point in the meeting, Ivy Cavegn, candidate for Mayor of Lino Lakes entered the meeting. <br />Commissioners had an opportunity to hear her perspectives on the Charter form of government. <br />
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