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11/21/1979 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
11/21/1979 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to order at <br />8:15 P.M., Wednesday, November 21, 1979 by Chairman Gourley. Members present; Schwankl, <br />Shearen, Heath, Reinert, Gourley. Members absent; Doocy, Johnson. Mr. McLean, Council <br />Liason and Mr. Schumacher, City Administrator were also present. <br />The August 15th minutes were considered. Mr. Shearen moved to approve the minutes. Mr. <br />Reinert seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />The September 5th special meeting minutes were considered. Mr. Heath moved to approve <br />the minutes. Mr. Reinert seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />The September 26th special meeting minutes were considered. Mrs. Schwankl moved to <br />approve the minutes. Mr. Heath seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Goorrley noted that the August 8th special meeting minutes werenot approved. Mr. <br />Reinert moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Heath seconded the motion. Motion declared <br />passed. <br />The October 10th special meeting minutes were considered. Mrs. Schwankl moved to approve <br />these minutes. Mr. Heath seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />The minutes of the October 17th regular meeting were considered. Mr. Shearen moved to <br />approve the minutes. Mr. Reinert seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />The October 24th special meeting minutes were considered. Mrs. Schwankl noted the absentee <br />members were not listed,; Mr. Johnson and Mr. Shearen. Mr. Gourley asked these minutes <br />be corrected to show absentees. Mrs. Schwankl moved to approve these minutes as corrected. <br />Mr. Heath seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. McLean's Report <br />Mr. McLean reviewed the items that were passed from Planning and Zoning to Council and <br />informed the Board that the Council had passed the items as recommended. There was a <br />note to Council from Mr. Mobley regarding the Donald Paul property that is now part of <br />the Anoka County Open Space regarding dirt hauling by the County from this property. <br />Mr. Mobley had stopped the dirt hauling. Mr. Gotwald and Mr. Mobley are dealing with <br />this. Mr. Gotwald also felt the City should approve an ordinance dealing with the fill- <br />ing of land such as is being done at the Woodshed Bar. Mr. Gotwald also talked about the <br />idea of a developers agreement, providing a check list and setting forth the things <br />that must be done on the development and making a contract type of agreement. <br />Mr. Gourley asked about Mr. Mobleys letter dealing with Forrest Tagg. Mr. McLean said <br />it was passed on to the Council and passed on to Mr. Locher. <br />Mr. Gourley asked about the letter regarding the Lake Amelia gravel pit. Mr. McLean <br />said this was forwarded to Mr. Gotwald to be concluded by him. <br />Plat - Arena Acres - Ken Rehbein and Jim Kurth, Surveyor, <br />Mrs. Schwankl asked to be excused from the considering of this plat. Mr. Gourley read <br />the minutes from the Park Board regarding this plat. The Park Board suggested taking <br />land preferably on the southeast corner of the plat, lots 16, 17 and 18. Mr. Gourley <br />asked the Clerk to give Mr. Rehbein a copy of the Park Board minutes. <br />Mr. Kurth explained the reasoning behind the planning of this plat and identified its <br />location. He noted that they are at least one acre lots with a minimum 150' at set <br />back line. <br />
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