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11/21/1979 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
11/21/1979 P&Z Minutes
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Planning and Zoning Board <br />'November 21, 1979 <br />Page -2- <br />Mr. Gourley noted the letters from Milner Carley and Barton - Aschman were here this <br />evening and read the Barton-Aschman letter to the Board. <br />Mr. McLean asked what the total acreage was and Mr. Kurth said 652 acres. He noted <br />the park dedication should be 6.5 acres. <br />Mr. Shearen read the letter submitted by Milner Carley Engineering. <br />Mr. Gourley noted the need for better circulation of traffic in the plat and the possible <br />exit to 4th Avenue through Andall Street. Mr. Kurth said this may be a good way to go <br />although there is an easement on the south end of the plat to 4th Avenue. There was <br />more discussion on a second exit possibly to 4th Avenue. Mr. McLean noted this could <br />be a second stage development. rMr. Kurth further explained the design. <br />Mr. Gourley asked if the west portion could be platted in a second stage? Mr. Rehbein <br />said it would be possible to build the road to 4th Avenue and this would give more lots <br />to help pay for the road. <br />The future re -subdivision aspect was considered in respect to sewer. Mr. Heath felt this <br />is not the plat to address this problem, be did not see that this would get sewer for a <br />long, long time. Mr. Gourley said the consensus is that the Board is not concerned <br />with Item #3 on the Barton - Aschman letter. <br />Mr. Reinert asked about the recommendation that additional investigation to determine <br />the extent of poor soil conditions be performed. Mr. Kurth said the engineering would <br />handle this. Mr. Gotwald will require more on this. <br />Mr. Dobie was present and Mr. Rehbein presented the easement agreement that will be nec- <br />essary to connect to Wood Duck Trail in Mr. Dobies subdivision. Mr. Dobie asked that <br />Mr. Locher receive_a copy of this to see that it is properly recorded. Mr. Dobie gave <br />the Board a copy of the agreement and Mr. Rehbein said he would give the original to <br />Mr. Locher for recording. <br />Mr. Rehbein asked if 6.5 acres were required for park,could the dedication come from some <br />other area than requested by the Park Board? Mr. Rehbein suggested another area. Mr. <br />Gourley said the City could accept three acres plus cash to equal the required dedication. <br />It was noted that the dedication is based on $1,500.00 per acre value. <br />Mr. Rehbein asked how long will it be before the road to 4th Avenue is required? It was <br />noted this is up to the Council. There was further discussion of the park dedication. <br />Mr. Rehban said that what is needed now is resolving the question of the street to 4th <br />Avenue and resolve the park dedication./ <br />Mr. Rehbein was told that the plat would be tabled until the above questions were resolved. <br />Special Use Permit - Dale V. Ramsden <br />Mrs. Ramsden was present. Mr. Gourley exptaiined the location of the property to be in- <br />volved with the Special Use Permit. <br />Mr. McLean asked if this property would be used as commercial property. Mr. Gourley <br />said Mr. Ramsden is in the blacktopping business. Mr. McLean asked what equipment would <br />be there and Mrs. Ramsden explained three trucks, two rollers, paver that attaches to <br />the truck etc. Mr. Gourley asked if a building would be built. Mrs. Ramsden said, yes, <br />Mr. Gourley said that he feels this entire area is designated for this type of use. Mr. <br />McLean felt the question should they be looking at rezoning and Mr. Gourley said not now <br />
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