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10/17/1979 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
10/17/1979 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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October 17, 1979 6.L <br />The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 8:04 <br />p.m., October 17, 1979 by Chairman Ken Gourley. Members present: Bob Doocey, James <br />Shearen, Vi Schwankl, and Council liaison John McLean. Vernon Reinert and Jerome <br />Heath arrived late. Members absent: Lawrence Johnson. <br />The minutes of the August 15, September 5, and September 26 meetings were held over <br />as there were not enough members present: to approve these. Mr. Shearen moved to approve <br />the minutes of the September 19 meeting. Vi Schwankl seconded the motion. All were in <br />favor. Motion declared passed. The September 5 minutes should be corrected to show <br />that Vi Schwankl was not present at that meeting. <br />Mr. Gourley briefly reported on the Council action with respect to the three items of <br />business from the last special meeting. The Council had approved a variance for Mrs. <br />Hegstrom to vary the requirement for frontage; they had approved the variance for a <br />long driveway; and had concurred with the Planning Commission's recommendation with <br />respect to Mr. Burgerman's request for narrower streets. <br />A variance request for along driveway (550 feet) for Mr. Blake Rivard, present, had <br />been added to the agenda. The property was a 5 -acre parcel on Lake Drive, and the <br />driveway would cross the 300 -ft commercial zone to the residential behind it, where the <br />house was located. The building permit was pending action on this variance request. <br />Mr. Gourley indicated he felt there might be some problem with allowing the house to be <br />built in this manner, considering the commercial zone, particularly if the property were <br />respliD He indicated the Council had just taken a position not to allow R-1 uses in a <br />commercial zone. Mr. McLean felt this should have no effect, but indicated to Mr. Rivard <br />that if he wanted to split off 22 acres in the front for a commercial venture, he would <br />have no frontage for his house. Mr. Reinert asked Mr. Rivard if he understood that he <br />would conceivably be fronted by a lot of commercial activity some day, and noted that <br />commercial development created some problem with residential development71 Mr. Rivard <br />said he understood the situation. Mr. Gourley indicated that in the case of long drive- <br />ways the city would not accept responsibility or liability for the length of the drive- <br />way; it would be the owner's responsibility to maintain it in a manner that would permit <br />emergency vehicles to get to the residence, for example, fire trucks, as quite possibly <br />they did not have 550 feet of hose. Secondly, the owner would not be able to split off <br />parcels along the driveway. Vi Schwankl moved to recommend to the Council to grant Mr. <br />Rivard a variance for the long driveway on the property as described on the application,.. <br />subject to the conditions mentioned by Mr. Gourley. Mr. Shearen seconded the motion.-- <br />All <br />otion."`All were in favor. Motion declared passed. Mr. Rivard was told the matter would be on <br />the Council agenda for the October 22 meeting, and that he should be present. Mr. Rivard <br />asked if he would be able to build commercially along the front, and Mr. McLean replied <br />that in that event, he couldn't sell the house as a separate piece because it wouldn't <br />have a legal frontage, although, as Mr. Gourley noted, he would be able to develop a <br />commercial concern for himself. Mr. Heath indicated that the city was considering drop- <br />ping the commercial zone in areas that had developed residential. <br />The next item on the agenda was a request for a special use permit to operate a business <br />from a residence by Mr. Richard Klenck. Mr. Klenck indicated he ran a contract hauling <br />business from that address, but the only operation he did was parking two dump trucks, <br />which came in empty and left empty, in the pole barn overnight. Mr. Reinert noted there <br />seemed to be a lot of confusion and actions taken without permits; Mr. Klenck said the <br />basic problem was the swampland, but that he had been issued permits by Rice Creek Water- <br />shed, the ArmCore of Engineers, and the DNR. He indicated he had been trying for over <br />a year to get the permit for the pole barn, which he had already built. He had also <br />applied for a variance to operate vehicles over 9,000 pounds and had gotten his neighbors' <br />signatures for this, but now apparently needed a special use permit to operate a business <br />out of a residence. '1r. Reinert felt that although Mr. Klenck had come in good faith <br />to try to straighten it out, it appeared the Board should instruct someone in city <br />
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