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<br />Planning and Zoning
<br />October 17, 1979
<br />employment, particularly the building inspector, to get all of it straightened out and
<br />bring it back to the Board in an orderly manner, so the Board knew where it stood in
<br />the matter: Mr. McLean felt Mr. Mobley should be instructed to deal with the building
<br />and the land use permit, since there were supporting permits, to clear that record.
<br />The Council minutes dated July 23, and the Planning CommW9D minutes dated July 9
<br />and June 20 were read; the P & Z had approved a specialOor Mr. Klenck to park his
<br />trucks in November of 1978i however, the Council had mistakenly issued a permit to
<br />build a pole barn. There was a note from the Clerk dated Octcber 10, 1979, that the
<br />permit for the building had never been issued, and also that the permit from the DNR
<br />had never bin issued either; however, Mr. Klenck indicated he had the DNR permit as
<br />of last year.{ Mr. McLean noted this Board had denied the permit to run vehicles over
<br />9,000 poun�'scon the city street, and the Council had not taken any action on the special
<br />use permit, as no further action was necessary. He asked Mr. Klenck if it was a fact
<br />that the business directly implied operating 9,000 pound vehicles over the same roads.
<br />Mr. Klenck indicated these vehicles were no different than a cement truck or school bus;
<br />that they came in empty and went out empty; that the street past him was in just as bad
<br />a condition as the one he used; and that he was here in good faith trying to get what-
<br />ever he needed passed to keep doing what he had been doing for the last 7 years, Mr.
<br />Shearen asked what the road limit was on that road, and Mr. McLean indicated it -was very
<br />minimal and had never been brought up to city code. Mr. Clenck indicated the trucks
<br />wieghed 18,000 pounds total, divided by three for the axles. Mr. McLean noted the code
<br />on trucks was not a three -ton axle, but 9,000 pounds gross wieght. Mr. Klenck said
<br />that in comparison, his neighbor had a mobile home with only two axles, but because
<br />this was considered recreational, it was not considered, but damaged the road as much
<br />as his trucks would. Mr. Shearen asked if the signatures represented the majority of
<br />the adjoining property owners, and Mr. Klenck indicated he had all but one, and Pointed
<br />these out on the map.; Mr. Shearen moved to recommend to the Council they approve the
<br />special use permit for Mr. Klenck to park two vehicles on his property, not parked in
<br />there loaded, and that he be allowed to operate a business from a residential address,
<br />and that the permit be issued on an annual review basis. Vi Schwankl seconded the motion.
<br />All were in favor with the exception of Mr. Heath who voted no. The motion was declared
<br />passed. Mr. McLean noted the date of review for special use permits was July 1. In
<br />reference to the building Mr. Klenck will speak to Mr. Mobley again, and if there is no
<br />response, will contact Mr. McLean in order to get the situation cleared up. Mr. Heath
<br />asked if in the future the Board could ask the Council to change the ordinance in respect
<br />to special use permits, to not allow the use to go with the land; however, Mr. Shearen
<br />indicated he thought this was state lair. -1
<br />The next item on the agenda was discussion of a variance for Tim Rehbein for 7851 Knoll
<br />Drive, the problem being that because of an error, the house setback on the south side
<br />was about 8'6" rather than the 10 ft. required. Mr. Rehbein said this was for discussion
<br />only, and if the Board were favorable, he would go ahead with a certificate of survey.
<br />As a matter of information;Mr. McLean asked whether he was supplying a plot plan on
<br />these showing the building n the surveyed lot before the building permit was gotten; Mr.
<br />Rehbein indicated they did, but that their own drawings were used, Mr. McLean indicated
<br />the city had little sympathy for the builder in these situations; however, Mr. Rehbein
<br />thought that the end result in this case was not as serious as in some other recent cases,
<br />because it was a corner lot with good access from the garage side from the street. Mr.
<br />Gourley indicated the Board's position on Lyndal Nelson's request for a variance for a
<br />similar situation,and also in the one before that, was that they didn't want to grant
<br />variances to compensate for mistakes that were the fault of the developer; they would,
<br />however, grant a variance for the transfer of land and moving lot lines. He noted that
<br />if the Board started varying the setbacks, they would be forced to draw lines at some
<br />point as to where they would stop --5 ft., 4 ft., 3 ft., etc. Mr. Shearen asked if it
<br />would be a problem in this case to transfer land from the adjoining -.landowner, and Mr.
<br />