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09/19/1979 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/19/1979 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Meeting Type
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eI ` • /af 2,-'. <br />`September 19, 1979 <br />The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at <br />8:08 p.m., September 19, 1979 by Chairman Ken Gourley. Members present: Bob <br />Doocey, James Shearen, Vi Schwankl, Vernon Reinert and Council liaison John McLean. <br />Members absent: Jerome Heath and Lawrence Johnson. <br />The first item on the agenda was the approval of the minutes of the August 8 special <br />meeting and the August 15 regular meeting. Mr. Gourley asked if there were any <br />additions or corrections to the August 8 minutes. Mr. Doocey moved to approve these, <br />and Mr. Gourley seconded the motion; however, the motion and the second were with- <br />drawn at Mr. McLean's suggestion, until a majority of those at the August 8 meeting <br />were present. Mr. Gourley asked if there were any additions or corrections to the <br />August 15 minutes. In regard to the motion on the rezone of the duplex on page 3, <br />Mr. Reinert had understood that Mr. Heath had voted against it as well. There was <br />some question as to whether he had or not, and Mr. Doocey moved to table the minutes <br />until Mr. Heath was present. Mr. Reinert seconded the motion. All were in favor. <br />Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. McLean gave his report from the August 27 Council meeting. Twilight Acres had <br />been approved subject to the lawyer's approval; the layout and design hearing on <br />Baldwin Lake Trailer Park was held and the July 2, 1979 drawing was accepted with <br />stipulations; the bid to upgrade Deer Pass Trail was in, and the landowner would be <br />carrying the majority of the cost on an annual payment basis rather than by assess- <br />ment; the public hearing on the Brunner rezone was held September 10 and granted; <br />the hobby kennel had been approved; the public hearings on East Birch Addition and <br />Bloom's Addition were set for September 24; Lyndol Nelson had come before the Council, <br />and it had been suggested he contact his title insurance company and lender for assis- <br />tance; Mr. Burque had received the letter and responded and the matter had been tabled; <br />and Mr. McLean had moved that the Coyncil accept no more plats for meets and bounds <br />in that area. The motion in this case applied to Mr. Burque's land only, but it was <br />a rule the Council had been trying to follow generally. Ordinance No. 37 dealing <br />with kennels in commercial zones had been amended by resolution, and Mr. Doocey was <br />asked to note this on the ordinances. The public hearing on the W. Rehbein rezone <br />was laid over again, waiting for Rice Creek Watershed; Mr. Gotw.ld ad been instructed <br />to obtain a bid for the installation of a cul-de-sac for Mr. .nd the Council <br />had taken action on residential uses in commercial zones. This was a motion by Mr. <br />Zelinka to the effect that any residential use in a commercial zone should be forwarded <br />to the P&Z for review. Mr. Gourley had spoken to the building inspector, and permits <br />will not be issued for a residential use in a commercial zone. Mr. Shearen understood <br />that the ordinance neither allowed or disallowed lesser uses; Mr. Gourley indicated <br />that Mr. Locher's interpretation of this was that lesser uses were not permitted unless <br />specifically stated in the ordinance. Mr. Nadeau indicated that he had understood <br />the P & Z had been instructed to consider Suchi's problem as of the August 13 Council <br />meeting. Mr. McLean indicated that Mr. Suchi had been told to apply for a special <br />use permit at the P & Z level, and Mr. Gourley noted that there had been no request <br />yet. Mr. McLean was asked to carry this back to the Council. <br />The first item of business was the request for a variance on the Bhend property for <br />a parcel of land that was less than 21/2 acres (approximately 1 acre). The title had <br />been transfered approximately a month after the ordinance had been adopted and pub- <br />lished, and Mr. Locher had recommended that a variance be granted to clear up the <br />problem. This had been carried over from the August meeting because there had been <br />no certificate of survey, which was now available. Vi Schwankl checked the certifi- <br />cate of survey against the legal description that had accompanied the application at <br />the last meeting. Mr. Doocey noted that the majority of the property was within the <br />commercial zone; however, Mr. Gourley indicated that the request did not deal with <br />
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