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09/19/1979 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
09/19/1979 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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September 19, 1979 <br />-Planning and Zoning <br />Page 2 <br />zoning and was only to clear up transfer of title on the land. There was some dis- <br />cussion, and it was noted the house should have been indicated on the drawing. Mr. <br />Doocey moved to approve the variance for 7720 Lake Drive. Vi Schwankl seconded the <br />motion. All were in favor. Motion declared passed. <br />The next item on the agenda was a preliminary discussion of Twilight III, El Rehbein <br />and Son, with Mr. Blackbird present. He indicated they would like to plat the area <br />into four one -acre pieces fronting on Lake Drive, the exception being the area deeded <br />to Tim Rehbein. The lots would be 560 feet deep, and Mr. Blackbird's question was <br />whether the entire area could be platted commercial with a variance on the back 160 <br />feet, which would be landlocked. It was noted that the lots had 100 -ft frontages, <br />and in an unsewered area, the requirement was 150 feet. Mr. Doocey consulted the <br />ordinances on this, Mr. Blackbird asked if it was feasible with the right kind of <br />sketch, whether a variance would be granted on the back 160 feet. This would be a <br />rezone, and it was also adjacent to a residential area, which could be a problem with <br />homeowners. An alternative suggested by Mr. McLean was to plat two lots with 150 -ft <br />frontages as commercial or duplex, put a road in, and have the back lots as residential. <br />Mr. Blackbird also had a matter involving the extension of 79th Street for a projected <br />lot split. The problem lay with lining up the road extension with the existing <br />79th Street, which angled in from the south. Mr. Gourley read Marilyn Anderson's <br />letter to the engineer stating the problem and asking for his comments, and also read <br />the engineer's letter reviewing it. Lot B did not have a full 22 acres considering <br />road easements; also the total net acreage did not add up to 5 acres. Mr. Blackbird <br />explained that 79th Street angled about 15 degrees north, then turned right at the <br />line and went into Moorhouses' property, stopping there. He indicated North -Northeast <br />Realty would absorb the cost of the road, but had a question as to how the 33 -ft <br />easement would be obtained from Mr. Moorhouse, and how to handle the road at the end <br />of the property line. Mr. McLean felt this could be handled with some type of cul-de- <br />sac, and Mr. Blackbird felt Mr. Moorhouse would probably give up the easement if they <br />paid for the road, Mr. Gourley asked how the City handled getting the easements, and <br />Mr. McLean indicated Mr. Blackbird would do that. Vi Schwankl brought up a similar <br />situation of about a year and a half ago. Mr. Gourley asked about the other road <br />easements, and Mr. Blackbird said they were vacated. The straightening of 79th Street <br />was further discussed, and it was felt the details should be handled by the City <br />engineer and the developer. Mr. Gourley noted that the existing road was entirely <br />on the south easements and this would not match up at all if 33 -ft easements were <br />taken on both sides of the ection line. Mr. Shearen moved to authorize the City <br />Engineer to work with North:Northeast Realty on the extension of 79th Street for the <br />projected lot split. Vi Schwankl seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion <br />declared passed. It was noted that the developer would be absorbing the cost of the <br />road. <br />The next item on the agenda was a request for a rezone from Land and Oaks, Inc. There <br />was no representative present. <br />Next on the agenda was a plat for Forest Glen, with Mr. Menkveld present. The plat <br />was first proposed in October of 1977, and the minutes of the April 10, 1978 public <br />hearing were available. The plat had been approved at that time; however, it was <br />never signed, and the one-year period was up in April of 1979. Mr. Menkveld was told <br />that a new application and platting fee would be required. Mr. Menkveld had not <br />realized this would be necessary, and had hoped to be able to go ahead with the plat <br />at this meeting. Mr. Reinert moved to authorize the Clerk to forward all necessary <br />materials regarding Forest Glen to the planner and engineer upon receipt of the fee <br />
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