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06/27/1979 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
06/27/1979 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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June 27, 1979 <br />The special meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at <br />8:08 p.m. by Chairman Ken Gourley. Members present: Vi Schwankl, Jerome Heath, <br />Bob Doocey, Vernon Reinert, Larry Johnson, and Council liaison John McLean. <br />Members absent: Jim Shearen. <br />The first item on the agenda was a rezone application for the Baldwin Lake Trailer <br />Court expansion. Mr. Magnuson was present. There were also some other matters <br />discussed pertaining to the proposed expansion. Copies of a letter from Mr. Gotwald <br />dated June 26 and in reference to the fire hydrants were available. Copies of a <br />letter from Mr. Short, dated June 4, were also available. The letter covered <br />four items pertaining to the Trailer Court expansion that hadpreviously been missed: <br />(1) There was a 28 -foot wide street in some areas. The requirement by ordinance <br />was for 30 -foot wide streets. (2) Sidewalks --there was some question as to whether <br />sidewalks were required; under Ordinance No. 56, applicable here, they were not. <br />However, the owner had decided to include sidewalks. (3) Minimum lot width under <br />Ordinance No. 56 was 60 feet. There were 8 lots only 50 net in width. (4) Ord- <br />inance No. 56 required that fire hydrants be provided to the satisfaction of the <br />Fire Marshall. A memo from Mrs. Anderson was read to the effect that the Fire <br />Marshall had no information on fire hydrants, but that state requirements would <br />have to be complied with. Mr. Gotwald's letter also indicated that the State <br />Board of Health would have guidelines covering this; Mr. Gotwald would be repre- <br />senting the city at that time to see they were met. <br />Revised drawings (revised 6-11) had been submitted and the street width problem <br />had been corrected, and sidewalks had been included. There was some discussion as <br />to the situation with granting a variance for the 50 -foot width on the 8 lots to <br />the north of the plat. The 8 lots measured 50 feet by 120 feet; there was room for <br />a 10 -foot setback, a 14 -foot trailer home, and 36 feet between homes here. The <br />lots conformed in this respect, but not to the 60 -foot width requirements. The <br />Planning and Zoning Commission expressed some reluctance to grant a variance as <br />there was no hardship, and a variance had already been granted for the angling of <br />the trailers. Mr. Reinert felt the Commission shoud not discuss this in advance <br />of the actual application being made, as this constituted preirential treatment. <br />In view of the time delay involved in applying for a variance, the developers will <br />revise the drawings to include 6 60 -foot wide lots instead of the 8 50 -foot lots. <br />Mr. Johnson moved to recommend approval of the drawings, pending the further re- <br />vision of the drawings to indicate the width of the lots changed from 50 to 60 -feet. <br />Mr. Reinert seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion declared passed. <br />There will need to be approximately seven of these revised drawings. <br />The application for a rezone on lots intended for the expansion of the mobile home <br />park was considered. This would be a rezone from commercial to R-6. The necessity <br />for a rezone had been brought to the attention of the Planning and Zoning Commission <br />by the city attorney in his letter dated June 14. He had pointed out in that letter <br />that the zoning under Ordinance No. 6 as it existed had allowed for mobile homes in <br />a commercial zone, but under Ordinance No. 56, which superseded Ordinance No. 6, <br />mobile homes were no longer considered a commercial usage but required a separate <br />zoning of R-6. Since the land had never been used as allowed for under Ordinance <br />No. 6, it lost that classification and became subject to the new classification <br />under Ordinance No. 56 when that came into effect. In reference to the present <br />ability of the Planning and Zoning Commission to Consider rezones, Mr. Reinert <br />brought up a motion made by Mr. McLean and approved by the Council on May 16, the <br />possible intent of which was to declare a moratorium on any consideration of rezoning <br />until the Comprehensive Plan was completed. A quote of the motion in question was <br />
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