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06/20/1979 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
06/20/1979 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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'June 20, 1979 <br />The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by <br />Chairman Ken Gourley at 8:40 p.m., June 20, 1979. Members present: Bob Doocey, <br />Vi Schwankl, and Larry Johnson. Members absent: Jim Shearen, Vernon Reinert, <br />and Council liaison John McLean. <br />The minutes of the May 16 regular meeting and the May 29 special meeting were <br />considered. Bob Doocey moved that the minutes of the May 16 meeting be laid <br />over, as Mr. Reinert had previously expressed some objections concerning these, <br />but was not now present. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. All were in favor. <br />The motion was declared passed. Mr. Johnson moved to approve the minutes of the <br />May 29 special meeting. Mr. Doocey seconded the motion. All were in favor. <br />Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. McLean was not present to give the report on the Council. <br />The first item on the agenda was a variance for Mr. Lyndal Nelson, for lot 12, <br />block 2, Sunset Oaks. (Address: 87 Lilac Street). Mr. Nelson was not present <br />at the meeting. The variance concerned the side setback on his house, and would <br />be for more than 9 feet. The side setback requirement is 10 feet, and in this <br />case, the house is about 6 inches inside the property line. The problem was <br />apparently caused by the developer. Mr. Gourley had talked to the building inspec- <br />tor and Mr. McLean, and it was their feeling that the P&Z should not be in the <br />business of automatically correcting these problems that are builder -caused. <br />There is a safety hazard in these cases as well, if someone builds a house close <br />to the adjoining property line. The houses would be very close, which would <br />constitute a fire hazard. There was a similar situation at the May 16 meeting; <br />the variance granted was for a transfer of property and was not a setback variance. <br />Mr. Gourley had been to look at and survey the property; there was a house going <br />up next to this one (lot 11) --the forms were in --and there didn't appear to be <br />enough room for each party to have a 10 -foot setback. Mr. Gourley moved to <br />recommend that the variance be denied, and that the building inspector look at <br />the properties and perhaps hold up construction on the house on lot 11 before <br />the footings are poured so that something can be done about the situation. Mr. <br />Johnson seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was declared passed. <br />There are apparently more homes built that have a similar problem that is developer - <br />caused. <br />The next item was an application by Mr. Henry Tueiberg, 6388 Hodgson Road, lot 25, <br />for a special use permit to raise chickens on a parcel of land less than 5 acres. <br />The signatures of all the surrounding property owners had been obtained. Vi <br />Schwankl moved to approve this for recommendation to the Council, subject to an <br />annual review and also subject to the stipulation that the chickens be confined <br />or contained to the property. Mr. Doocey seconded the motion. All were in favor. <br />Motion declared passed. <br />The next item on the agenda was a similar application by William Rivard, 1271 <br />Birch Street for a special use permit to raise chickens. Mr. Rivard was present. <br />He had not gotten the signatures of the landowners within 300 feet of his property. <br />Also there had been complaints from the nieghbors about the chickens. Mr. Johnson <br />moved to table it pending Mr. Rivard's contacting the clerk and getting the neces- <br />sary signatures. Vi Schwankl seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion <br />declared passed. <br />
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