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05/16/1979 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
05/16/1979 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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May 16, 1979 <br />The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by <br />Chairman Ken Gourley at 8:08 p.m. Members present; Jerome Heath, Bob Doocey, <br />Larry Johnson, James Shearen, Vi Schwankl, Vernon Reinert and Council liaison <br />John McLean. Absent: none. <br />Mr. Shearen moved to approve the minutes of the April 18 regular Planning and <br />Zoning meeting. Vi Schwankl seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion <br />declared passed. <br />Mr. Gourley brought up a question on the minutes of the May 2 meeting. It was <br />recorded in these minutes that minutes from a prior meeting had been approved; <br />this should be corrected to read that the motion had been made to lay aside all <br />previous minutes for approval at the May 16 regular meeting. Vi Schwankl moved <br />to approve the minutes of the May 2 special meeting with this correction. Mr. <br />Gourley seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Gourley moved to approve the minutes of the special meeting of April 4. The <br />purpose of this meeting was to discuss Mr. Rehbein's Shenandoah Third Addition; <br />the variance was not approved at that meeting. Vi Schwankl seconded the motion. <br />All were in favor. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to approve the minutes of the April 11 meeting. It was the <br />first meeting the Planning and Zoning Commission held to outline the steps they <br />wanted to go through to revise the comprehensive plan. There was an error on the <br />third page in the third paragraph. Marilyn Anderson indicated that this part that <br />was missing had been added later. James Shearen seconded the motion. All were <br />in favor. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Reinert asked for what purpose was Ordinance No. 20 in the material mailed out. <br />Mr. Gourley said that it dealt with rules of governing meetings, and was quite <br />outdated and should be revised. It could perhaps be dealt with at a later meeting. <br />He asked that the clerk be instructed that Mr. Locher review Ordinance No. 20, <br />and make his recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission to deal with <br />at that time. It is not up to date with existing statutes. <br />Mr. McLean gave his report on the April 23 Council meeting, with explanations. <br />Next on the agenda was a feasibility matter for Arena Acres. Vi Schwankl asked <br />to be excused from this matter because her property abuts this property. Mr. <br />Gourley brought up the point that when a member asks to be excused, it should be <br />with the concurrence of the entire commission. The commission concurred. Mr. <br />Herman Talle was present representing Ken Rehbein in this matter; he presented <br />a sketch and asked for comments as to feasibility. Mr. McLean asked for the lot <br />size on this; Mr. Talle said it was one acre. Mr. Gourley indicated that this <br />was a preliminary discussion, and that a fee must be paid before it was sent to <br />the planner. Mr. Talle felt it was all good buildable land, but was not sure <br />any perk tests had been run on it. Mrs. Anderson said she had a sale survey that <br />indicated the open areas were low land, and the rest was good buildable land. <br />Mr. Shearen felt that the cul-de-sacs should perhpas be altered to a looped road. <br />Mr. Brian Dobie was questioned in regard to this matter; he was favorable to the <br />idea of working in cooperation with Mr. Rehbein on the road extension and the <br />cul-de-sac situation. Upon request, he also outlined the topography of the area. <br />The area in question was pointed out on an aerial map. Mr. Gourley said he <br />would like to see the low areas extended into lot lines because the city very <br />
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