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Tne regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to order at <br />8:12 P.M., Wednesday, April 18, 1979 by Chairman Gourley. Members present: Gourley, <br />Shearen, Reinert, Scnwankl. Members absent: Mattson, Johnson, Heath. Mr. McLean, Council <br />liason was also present. <br />Mr. Shearen moved to approve the minutes of the March 21, 1979 meeting. Mrs. Schwankl <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />The minutes of the April 4, 1979 meeting were table. <br />Mr. Reinert asked that when minutes are prepared from recordings the transcriber should <br />identify herself. <br />Mr. McLean had no report. <br />The first item on the agenda was WCCO radio. There was no one present and the request <br />for an extension of their Special Use Permit was set aside. <br />Roger Kolstad - Lino Air Park Hangars <br />Mr. Kolstad said that at the time the above plat was approved it was assumed there would <br />be hangars but there were no formal provisions for large hangars. Since the present City <br />ordinance could restrict the size of hangars, Mr. Kolstad suggested that the Planning and <br />Zoning Board coosider granting variances for hangars to 32,000 square feet. This area <br />would be large enough to contain three airplanes. He felt that since each lot was approx- <br />imately Iz acres the lots could easily accommodate these hangars. <br />Mr. McLean said this board has never dealt with hangars before and suggested it could be <br />an item to be included in the Comprehensive an amendment to our ordinances. <br />Mr. Reinert said he felt if this Board were to make some recommendation to the Council <br />they would need something more firm to base their recommendation on. <br />Mr, Kolstad was asked i' he felt it were typical for a person to own three planes? Mr. <br />Kolstad said that would be the extreme, two is more typical. <br />Mr. Kolstad asked if it were possible to consider his second request, variances to con- <br />struct hangars before principal buildings. Mr. McLean expt.tined this would require a <br />variance on each request. <br />Mr. Gourley said he would like to check the records on the original plat. He told Mr. <br />Kolstad that this situation will be reconciled when this Board deals with the Comprehen- <br />sive Plan and this should be completed in 60 to 90 days. <br />James Plemmons - Two variances <br />Mr. Plemmons applied for two variances for two lots that will be less than the required <br />12 acres in size. <br />The first lot is described as : <br />The south 238.00 feet of the east 186.00 feet of the west 640.00 feet of the Southwest <br />Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 31, Range 22, Anoka County, <br />Minnesota. Subject to County Road J and easements of record, if any. <br />Mr. Plemmons noted that this lot is less than the required one acre of free area. Mr. <br />Gourley told Mr. Plemmons he could add some area from the lot he already owns and resubmit <br />