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04/18/1979 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/18/1979 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 3:01:31 PM
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9/29/2017 11:46:17 AM
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P&Z Minutes
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Page -Z- <br />it for the variance. <br />The second variance is for a lot described as follows: <br />April 18, 1979 <br />The south 150.00 feet of the north 450.00 feet of the south 688.00 feet of the east 300.00 <br />feet of the west 640.00 -feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section <br />31, Township 31, Range 22, Anoka County, Minnesota. Subject to easements of record, if any. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to recommend to Council this variance be approved. Mr. Shearen seconded <br />the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />In regard to this first variance request for the lot that was less than the required one <br />acre of free area, Mr. Shearen moved to recommend this variance be denied and asked that <br />it be resubmitted when the Certificate of Survey can be prepared indicating the one acre <br />of area fee of easements. Mrs. Schwankl seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />WCCO - Special Use Permit, William Doar <br />Mr. Doar explained that the reason he is appearing tonight is to request an extension <br />of the Special Use Permit to construct a radio antenna. <br />Mr. Doar gave a brief history of their atenna now located in Coon Rapids and the problems <br />of requiring a different type of tower for their present operations. <br />At the time WCCO started looking for land to house the new antenna, it was suggested to <br />them to purchase 160 acres north of what is called the tela -farms in Lino Lakes. The land <br />was purchased in 1971 and the Special Use Permit was granted, extending to July, 1975. <br />When the Ham Lake airport controversy started WCCO had second thoughts about their Lino <br />Lakes property and decided to look west of the Twin Cities for an antenna site. Land was <br />purchased in Hamel but problems occurred with neighboring land owners. WCCO has now <br />decided to go ahead with the Lino Lakes site and the hold here has been the approval from <br />F.A.A. and F. C. C. <br />Mr. Doar described the type, of tower to be built is the Franklin type approximate 1200' <br />high with a building at the base and completely fenced. <br />Mr. McLean asked what time length WCCO was requesting for a Special Use Permit. Mr. Doar <br />said two years. <br />Mr. Gourley felt at this point a Special Use Permit was not necessary. He told Mr. Doar <br />this subject will be considered when the Board updates the City Comprehensive Plan and <br />if there are any problems the Board will keep him informed. <br />El Rehbein & Son - Variance, long driveway <br />Mr. Joyer representing El Rehbein & Son requested a variance for a long driveway on lot <br />#6 in Equity Estates. <br />Mr. Gourley noted the reason for.this variance is to personally inform the home owner <br />that he is totally responsible for the maintenance of this driveway and asked Mr. Joyer <br />if the prospective homeowner could be at the April 23, 1979 Council meeting. Mr. Joyer <br />said he would arrange this. <br />Mr. Shearen moved to recommend to Council that this variance for a long driveway of over <br />400' be granted and that the future owner be told personally at the April 23, 1979 Council <br />
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