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03/21/1979 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/21/1979 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order at 8:01 P.M., Wednesday, March 21, 1979 by Chairman Gourley. Members <br />present: Gourley, Shearen, Schwankl, Mattson, Johnson. Members absent: <br />Reinert, Heath. Mayor Karth was also present. <br />Mr. Johnson moved to approve the minutes of the February 21, 1979 meeting. <br />Mrs. Schwankl seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Mayor Karth told the Board that the Council passed on the items recommended <br />at the February meeting. He told the public hearing for the quad. rezoning <br />in Country Lakes had been held March 12, 1979 and the rezoning denied. He <br />noted that the Council had a problem with the definition of density. Mayor <br />Karth noted density should be an area the Planning and Zoning Board should <br />address in their Comprehensive Land Use Plan. <br />East Birch Addition II - Pierre Nadeau <br />Mr. Nadeau said he felt there was some misunderstanding about the reason <br />for his appearance this evening. He said he was not presenting a plat at <br />this time but just wanted to ask questions. <br />Mr. Gourley asked Mr. Nadeau to explain what his plans are. Mr. Nadeau <br />said that the street location in the sketch is basically correct, some of <br />the lots may need attention because of inadequate frontage. He asked if <br />it were reasonable to plat in stages. <br />Mr. Gourley explained that it might be wise to plat the entire area and <br />then develope the plat in phases. If only a part of the area is platted <br />ordinances may change and affect the remainder of the area and the plat <br />then could not be extended as wanted. <br />Mr. Nadeau said he may have questions regarding the street construction <br />and bonding. Also Mr. Nadeau wondered about park dedication. The Clerk <br />noted that the Park Board had reviewed the sketch and recommended that <br />lots 9 and 10 of block 3 be required for park purposes. <br />Mr. Gourley asked Mr. Nadeau to make his changes and submit a preliminary <br />plat with topog for the next Planning and Zoning Board meeting. Mr. Nadeau <br />said he would try to get ready for the April meeting. <br />Twilight Acres - 2nd Addition - El Rehbein and Son, Jerry Blackbird <br />The Clerk read the Engineers and Planners letters of recommendations. <br />Mr. Gourley asked if there were any questions or suggestions. There were <br />none. <br />Mrs. Schwankl moved to recommend approval of this plat subject to the Planners <br />and Engineers recommendations. Mr. Shearen seconded the motion. Motion de- <br />clared passed. <br />Sketch Plat - Donald Newpower <br />Mr. Newpower explained this was a sketch and he wanted the Boards recomm- <br />endations or criticisms. <br />Mr. Karth asked why the street is not straight. Mr. Newpower explained it <br />
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