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11/15/1978 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
11/15/1978 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to order at 8:08 <br />P.M. Wednesday, November 15, 1978 by Chairman Gourley. Members present: Gourley, Mattson, <br />Bohjanen, Reinert, Schwankl. Mr. Hill arrived at 9:15 P.M. Members absent: Shearen. Mr. <br />McLean Council Liason was also present. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to accept the October 18, 1978 minutes as written. Mr. Bohjanen seconded <br />the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. McLeans Report <br />Mr. McLean reported on the actions of the October 23, 1978 Council meeting in regards to <br />Planning and Zoning Board recommendations. He further noted: <br />- Puolic Hearing for the plat Rice Lake Addition 111 was held and <br />- Mr. Dobie's road right of way was accepted. <br />- Public Hearing for plat Caroles Estates 11 was held on November <br />was accepted. <br />approved. <br />13, 1978 and the plat <br />- Mr. Manning request to build a garage is still pending (Mr. Mobley <br />has proceeded with construction without permits.) <br />- Forrest Tagg - still pending, will be in court November 20, 1978. <br />- Construction trailer on Lake Drive has been removed. <br />- County no longer requires hard shells from platters <br />- City acceptea the cul - de - sac off of West Shadow Lake Drive <br />Plat - Oak Knoll Addition, Ronald Van Kleek <br />noted that Mr. Manning <br />Mr. Van Kleek presented a topog map of his proposed plat and a letter written by Mr. Dobie. <br />The Clerk read the letter to the Board. Mr. Dobie's brother - in - law was also present <br />to represent Mr. Dobie this evening. <br />Mr. Gourley noted that a warantee deed will be needed for the street Blue Bell Lane. <br />Mr. Reinert told Mr. Van Kleek, based on what has already been presented, he could see no <br />problem and he should proceed with the plat. <br />Mr. Gourley asked the Clerk to send copies of the plat map and topog map to the Engineer, <br />Planner and Anoka County Highway Department for their comments. He also asked Mr. Locher <br />to lay out the procedure for a street that is located half on one plat and half on another. <br />Allan Letourneau - Variance <br />Mr. and Mrs. Letourneau have requested a variance to add a 10' wide parcel of land to their <br />present parcel so they can build a garage with the required set back from the side lot line. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to recommend that this variance be accepted with the stipulation that <br />this parcel be recorded with the original parcel as one lot. Mrs. Schwankl seconded the <br />motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Jerry Blackbird - North Northeast Reality <br />Mr. Blackbird asked the Board if they will require 1,175 square feet on the mann floor of <br />a split entry quadriminimum. Presently the City requires 960 square feet in a single family <br />split entry and asked if this footage for quads could be reduced to the same footage. He <br />explained the design of quads and said they were very popular and selling well all around <br />the Cities and provided maximum use of the land as well as lower cost housing. Mr. Bohjanen <br />said it would seem they would conserve more energy and upkeep would be at a minimum. <br />
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