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10/18/1978 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
10/18/1978 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 2:54:42 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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• <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was convened at 8:25P.M., <br />Wednesday, October 18, 1978 by Chairman Gourley. Mr. Bohjanen will arrive later making a <br />quorum. <br />Mr. McLean's Report <br />Mr. McLean reported that Mr. Lee Starr from the Metropolitan Council was present at the <br />September 25, 1978 Council meeting to try to resolve some of the differences between Metro <br />Council and the Lino Lakes City Council. <br />Mr. McLean reported the Council actions on the Planning and Zoning September recommendations. <br />Alto the Marcel LeRoux mining pit on 64th Avenue has been resolved and the condition of the <br />street is being resolved as well with Mr. Gotwald. Mr. LeRoux's escrow was raised and the <br />elevations were defined as well as the pit area. <br />Mar Don Homes plat still has not been filed because of discrepancies between the approved <br />final plat and the hard shells. The City Attorney and City Engineer are working with Mar <br />Don Homes on this matter. <br />A moratorium has been placed on the moving in of any buildings until the ordinance can be <br />rewritten. <br />Mr. Bohjanen arrived at 8:40 P.M. and Mr. Gourley called the meeting to order. The Clerk <br />called roll. Members present: Gourley, Schwankl, Bohjanen, Shearen. Mr. McLean, Council <br />Liason was also present. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to approve the September 20, 1978 minutes as written. Mrs. Schwankl <br />seconded the motion. Motion decttred passed. <br />Variance - Jim Frischmon <br />Mr. Frischmon has requested a variance to split his 2Z acre lot on Holly Drive and Center- <br />ville Road into two Tots. Lot CI would be one acre and lot C2 would be IZ acres. After <br />reviewing the plot map it was determined that Holly Drive and possibly Centerville Road <br />both are located on this lot. The Clerk was requested to contact City Engineer Gotwald and <br />have him determine the measurements of Lot IC so that it will have one acre exclusive of <br />road right of way. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to recommend that City Engineer Gotwald determine the lot lines and det- <br />ermine the measurement along Holly Drive that would give each new lot at least one acre ex- <br />clusive of road right of way. Mr. Shearen seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Variance - Wendell Ostlie <br />Mr. & Mrs. Ostlie presented a variance request to erect a storage building closer to the <br />street than the house. <br />Mr. Ostlie explained the house is set to far to the rear of the lot to allow a building <br />behind the house. <br />It was noted that the front 300' at the Ostlie residence is zoned commercial. However, the <br />City Attorney had recommended a variance be issued. <br />Mrs. Schwankl moved to recommend to Council a variance be approved for the construction of <br />a storage building closer to the street than the primiary building with all other set backs <br />to be observed. Mr. Shearen seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />
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