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10/18/1978 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
10/18/1978 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 2:54:42 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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Page -2- October 18, 1978 <br />Plat - Caroles Estates 11 <br />The Planning and Zoning Board had previously asked Mr. Menkveld to clear up three items on <br />this plat. (1) The discrepancy in elevations between the plat and Mar Don Homes plat, (2) <br />Traffic flow on the dead end street to the north (3) drainage patterns. <br />Mr. Menkveld said the elevation problem was with Mar Don Homes and they have straightened <br />this out. The second item was the traffic flow on the street to the north. A temporary <br />cul - de - sac was provided for this street. The third item, drainage is taken care of by <br />the revised drawing showing the ponding area and drainage flow. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to recommend approval of this plat subject to Mr. Gotwalds recommendat- <br />ions. Mr. Shearen seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Shearen moved to recommend approval of this plat be subject to the Park Board recommenda- <br />tion. Mr. Bohjeanen seconded the motion. Motion declaredpassed. <br />Plat - Ulmer' s Rice Lake Addition 111 <br />The Clerk read Mr. Gotwalds letter to the Board. The plat map was consulted regarding Mr. <br />Gotwalds comment on page 2, section 6, paragraph 2. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to recommend approval of this plat subject to soil borings and the Park <br />Board recommendations. Mr. Shearen seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Jim Manning - 260 Linda Avenue <br />Mr. Manning wishes to rebuild a garage he dismantled at another location. He brought a <br />drawing for the Board members to review showing set backs from street right of way. The <br />Ordinances were checked regarding size of building and nothing was found to indicate he <br />could not build the size he requested. <br />ivir. Gourley said he did not see any reason for a variance at this point and he asked the <br />Clerk to notify Mr. Mobley of this and if Mr. Mobley sees a problem he should let the members <br />know. Mr. Mobley is to check the footings regarding the set backs before Council meeting <br />October 23, 1978. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to have it be noted that in so far as the Building Inspectors comments <br />in his letter of October 13, 1978 to Mr. Manning regarding set backs, size etc., there seems <br />to be no problem and the owner indicates the building will not be used commercially. Mr. <br />Shearen seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Forrest Tagg <br />Mr. Joel Tagg was in the audience to represent his father Forrest Tagg. <br />Mr. Gourley told Mr. Tagg that he has received no documents on the meeting Forrest Tagg <br />had with Mr. Mobley and Attorney Locher. It was his understanding from the Attorney that <br />sandblasting does not conform to Mr. Taggs zoning and a Special Use Permit would be required. <br />Mr. Joel Tagg said he did not know of any agreements reached at this meeting. He was just <br />here to answer question he could. <br />Mr. Gourley said Mr. Tagg should apply for a Special Use Permit for the Planning and Zoning <br />Board to consider. He also told Joel Tagg to tell his father to call Mr. Gourley and he <br />would explain the Special Use permit to him <br />
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