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09/20/1978 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/20/1978 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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The zqular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order t 8:08 P.M., Wednesday, September 20, 1978 by Chairman Gourley. <br />Members present: Gourley, Mattson, Bohjanen, Schwankl, Reinert. Members <br />absent: Hill, Shearen. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to approve the minutes of the August 16, 1978 meeting as <br />presented. Mr. Bohjanen seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. McLean asked to give his report later in the meeting. <br />Bran Dobie - Subdivision by metes and bounds <br />Mr. Dobie presented his arial maps and overlay and explained he has already <br />started construction of the street. He is working with both Mr. Gotwald and <br />Mr. Mobley regarding street construction and water drainage. He further ex- <br />plained his development has received preliminary approval by the Rice Creek <br />Water Shed District (RCWD) and he has documents to that effect. He will go <br />before that Board again on September 27, 1978. <br />Mr. Reinert asked Mr. Dobie if the water table was rather high in that area. <br />Mr. Dobie said he was designing the area with this in mind and felt his pond- <br />ing and drainage was very adequate. <br />Mr. Dobie asked about the letter of credit. Mr. McLean explained that Mr. <br />Gotwald would have to establish an estimate of what the street construction <br />would be and then Mr. Dobie would obtain a letter of credit from his bank for <br />one and one half times the construction cost of the road. This letter would <br />be kept in the City office. <br />Mr. Dobie explained the problem with the drainage through a culvert under Main <br />Street. It is undersized and positioned wrong. He said he would take legal <br />action if necessary to remedy this situation. He expected cooperation from the <br />County and the RCWD on this matter and legal action then would not be necessary. <br />Mr. Dobie explained a proposed future roadway that would extend from his pre- <br />sent street along the west side of his acreage. Mr. Van Kleek owns the adjoin- <br />ing five acres and he has asked him to help in blacktopping this street. How- <br />ever they have not come to an agreement on this. He noted that Mr. Van Kleek <br />would like to split his five acres into two long parcels but Mr. Dobie felt <br />this was not the best way to handle this five acrea. <br />Mr. Reinert thanked Mr. Dobie for coming and for a very thorough and enlight- <br />ening presentation. Mr. McLean said Mr. Dobie was to be congradulated on his <br />approach. <br />Plat - Ulmers Rice Lake Addition III <br />The Clerk had not received the City Engineers comments and recommendations on <br />this plat. Mr. Bohjanen moved to table this plat until all materials are in. <br />Mr. Reinert seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Mr. Gotwald regarding this action. <br />Variance - Lee Robinson <br />Mr. Gourley noted that a certificate of survey with a complete legal description <br />was not present as specifacally requested. This matter was tabled and the <br />Clerk was asked to notify Mr. Robinson of this action. <br />
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